Beautiful. Thought-provoking. Bizarre. These are just some of the words to describe these 7 iPhone cases. Love or hate them, they will either make you think highly of the amount of work that has been put in, or scratch your head in confusion and wonder if the artist has bats in the belfry.
The “So Many Feels” iPhone Case

“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”
“Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.”
“Maybe ‘okay’ will be our ‘always.”
These are just some of the notable quotes from American author John Green’s hit young adult novel, The Fault in Our Stars. Since its immense success, there has been an increasing number of fanmade items on Etsy. This glittery iPhone case is one of them. Because of the booming sales, the seller is asking for up to 30 days before she ships the case. If you don’t mind waiting, click here and you’ll be directed to a page of awesome-ness.
The Most Engaging iPhone Case

Who knew a maze could complement so well with an iPhone? If you often spend a huge deal of time waiting for the bus, odds are you are like a bear with a sore head. Translation: you’re in a bad mood. Fancy a change? You should head straight to ebay to get this genius piece of work. Not a bad idea to kill time, if you’d ask me!
The Vainest iPhone Case

Can live without make-up? Can’t live without your iPhone? Here’s the solution to your problem — you’re welcome.
“Your phone should be as pretty and festive as your makeup, which is why we created this two-in-one Christmas gift. Start with our collection of touch up ready products—including 11 day-to-night shadows, a sexy bronzer and blush. Pop out the makeup palette and use the iPhone 5 case designed by celebrity decorator and TV personality Mary McDonald.” — Too Faced
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The Most Revolting iPhone Case

Good lord, this is disgusting. Whoever came up with this wacky concept either had a really bad sense of humour or a strange fascination with the human teeth. If you’d like to grab one for your buddy’s birthday (and, why not? His facial expression is surely going to be priceless!), you can get this on Etsy. This isn’t cheap, by the way. Made of acrylic and polymer, this denture inspired iPhone 5 case is going for SGD$127.49 .
The Handiest iPhone Case

American actor Ashton Kutcher’s a fan of Opena®! Made possible by Kickstarter, this bottle opener iPhone case was designed and developed by Aussies Chris Peters and Rob Ward. To date, tens of thousand of Opena®’s have been shipped all over the world.
“After consuming a few ales one sunny afternoon an idea evolved. Why not put a bottle opener into an iPhone case!?!… Brilliant!….The Opena® was born.”
The Cutest iPhone Case

Also affectionately known as iPlush, this adorable and sneeze-worthy iPhone case will brighten up your gloomy day. According to the details as listed on Amazon, this is the only plush toy cellphone case in the world that’s manufactured by Smiling Deal USA. It’s also the best selling iPhone 5 case in the iPhone history! That being so, this authentic toy case is perfect for plush toy fans. A word of caution: avoid if you have nasal allergies.
The Nerdiest iPhone Case

Any hardcore Potterhead (Harry Potter fan) would be able to recognise this symbol. Handmade with paper and mod podge, this New Ravenclaw “Harry Potter inspired” iPhone 4/4S case costs a little over $20 on Etsy. There’s only one left, so act fast if you’d like to grab it!
The seller, based in the United States seems to have an appreciation for geeky and superhero films. If Harry Potter is not your thing, hop on over to see the rest of the goodies; this virtual shop is practically loaded with Stars Wars, Star Trek, and Superman inspired iPhone cases.
Do you know any bizarre or beautiful iPhone cases? If you do, don’t forget to share them with us at Vulcan Post’s Facebook page!
Also read: Amazon’s Fire is an iPhone and a Samsung Phone?