Vulcan Post

Getty Images’ Top 10 Most Moving Pictures Of 2014 Is A Chilling Tribute To A Year Gone By

This article originally appeared on Vulcan Post.

What was the most important event to you in 2014? Looking back, it was a year full of success and strife, challenges, and achievements. Getty Images have shared their take on some of the events of 2014, and these are bound to make you shed a tear.

According to Getty, a total of 294,219 votes from 164 countries were cast on photos that were included in Getty Images’ Year in Focus — an expert curation of defining images and videos that encapsulate 2014’s most important moments. These snapshots are taken from the world of news, sport, entertainment and archive anniversaries and obituaries.

Here’s the list, starting from Number 10.

Ebola was one of the greatest crises to hit the world in 2014.

Award-winning photographer Tom Stoddart took this chilling photo of the Asian tsunami of 2004, commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the disaster that claimed thousands of lives.

Harry Borden’s portrait of Robin Williams takes the #8 spot, with the funny man’s death reminding us that the danger of depression and mental illnesses is that it is often unseen.

Award-winning Getty Images photographer John Moore makes it to three spots on this list for his powerful imagery of the Ebola epidemic in Liberia, one of which takes the #7 spot.

This photograph of the Kiev protests highlights the chaos and fear that spread through Ukraine during the Kiev protests, as militants look on.

Racial tensions were at an all time high during a period of civil unrest in Ferguson. The police march on towards an unarmed African-American woman.

Danger shrouds Kobani, as Syrian Kurds battle ISIS attempts to take control of this Syrian town.

Pierre Crom captures a terrifying reminder of the airline disasters that occured in 2014, highlighting the remains of the Malaysia Airlines passenger jet crash in Eastern Ukraine.

The battle against Ebola continues into 2015, with the disease claiming more lives every day.

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