Vulcan Post

This Is What Happens When Tweets From Famous People Get Made Into Poems

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Poetweet is a poem generator website created by b_carco, a multimedia company for research, discussion, creation and exchange of art and culture in São Paulo, Brazil. The website was created to promote their new creative workshops and new literature courses.

With Poetweet, you can now channel your inner Shakespeare, and produce sweet poetry by making good use of your Twitter account. What the website does is it searches through your tweets, putting them together to generate a poem that rhymes.

The simplest part is, you don’t have even have to sign in. Just type in any Twitter account and it will turn your tweets from banalities into hilarious poetry. Before that, just make sure that you select English (though you can use the website in Portuguese too).

Image Credit: adlantv

Just head over to Poetweet, and type in any username — even private ones. Then choose which style of poem you would like, from sonnets, roundels, to indriso forms (it really doesn’t matter if you have no idea what those mean).  After that, wait for about one minute or less for beautiful literature to be produced.

The poem below is what Poetweet came up with for Vulcan Post (@vulcanpost)!

When you are done, you can choose to share your poem on Facebook or Twitter. I was amazed by the result. Initially, the poems were just for laughs and they cracked me up, but the coolest part is, the more I read them, the poems actually started to make a bit of sense.

“That actually made a difference, are going to leave you speechless. “

Differences are able to make people speechless!

Since the website doesn’t require you to sign in, you can try it out with other people’s accounts too. We decided to try it with the Twitter accounts of the Prime Minister from Malaysia and Singapore.

We also didn’t spare the top most followed Twitter account in the world, Katy Perry (@katyperry).

Guess the top Twitterer ain’t no top poet. Go check out if your Twitter friends could be the next Shakespeare or the next Eminem rapper!

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