Vulcan Post

6 Tinder-Like Apps So You Can Swipe Right/Left For Everything In Life

Image Credit: Pond5

If you’re single, you’ve most probably heard of Tinder. But if you don’t know what it is, Tinder is basically an online dating app that matches couples based on physical attraction. The swiping feature used in the app allows you to swipe right to “like” — to express attraction — or swipe left to “pass” if you don’t find that person attractive. If someone swipes right at your picture and you happen to swipe right to that person as well, it’s a match!

The app has been quite successful: The New York Times reported that users of Tinder log on to the app an average of 11 times a day, and they spend about seven to nine minutes swiping left and right. As a result, many Tinder-like apps have popped up over the past couple of years, in an attempt to recreate the app’s success.

Here at Vulcan Post, we’ve gathered a list of six Tinder-style apps that you need to download, or at least try once, on your phone.

1. The Tinder for Job Hunters — Blonk 

Image Credit: Blonk

Rather than going through the tedious process of job hunting — like sending resumes or CVs, and waiting for replies until God-knows-when — job hunters can now download Blonk, where employers and potential employees swipe through profiles. If the interest is mutual, you can chat; it might just lead you to an interview with your desired employer.

2. The Tinder for Music Lovers — Songhop

Image Credit: iphoned

Songhop is a pretty useful app. It’s a great way to discover new music, and it also introduces you the latest hot singles that the app thinks you might enjoy.

3. The Tinder for New Clothes — Shoppr

Image Credit: Shoppr

Look. Swipe. Discount Notifications. Buy. These are the four simple steps you have to take when shopping with Shoppr. Swipe right for yes, and the clothes will go straight into your wish list. Swipe left, however, and they’ll be banished from sight. The app was created in Malaysia, and am I glad to say: shopping has never been more fun.

4. The Tinder for Professional Networking — Caliber

Image Credit: App Store

Caliber was created to introduce users to professionals who share the same interests and are residing within the same area. Select the people you find interesting, and click on “interested” to follow that person’s professional achievements. If the person sees your profile and is interested to connect with you, you are given the permission to start chatting with each other.

5. The Tinder for Dogs — BarkBuddy

Image Credit: Barkbuddy

Looking for a dog to adopt, but no time to visit the animal shelter? No worries: with BarkBuddy, all you need to do is swipe through dog profiles in your area, and look for your desired pet. Once you’ve found one, you can reach out to the owner or shelter to set up a meet and greet.

6. The Tinder for Dresses — Seamso

Image Credit: Seamso

Seamso works like Shoppr, but the app has narrowed down the clothing category to only dresses. If you already have an idea of the type of dresses that you are looking for, Seamso is the app for you. The app has on board popular brands of dresses such as those from American Apparel, Miss Selfridge, DKNY and many more.

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