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Speak To Your Friends With Emojis. ONLY Emojis.

It’s finally time for your creativity to shine! What’s more, it’s probably already your one of your favourite ways to communicate, anyway. That’s right. While the rest of the world complains about shortened sentences and words, we now have an app for you to perform abstract phone art.

Created by comedians Matt Grey and Tom Scott – hosts of the UK comedy show The Technical DifficultiesEmojli is a social networking app that allows you to communicate with your friends, but only via emojis. It was first made as a parody on a world that runs on the most absurd acronyms, hashtags and emoticons, as seen from the satirical video the duo made last June:

Unfortunately for the comedians, viewers took the “advertisement” seriously, with more than 70,000 username sign ups even before the app was launched. That meant Grey and Scott had to take the viral video seriously on their end.

Even as huge tech geeks, creating the app was no mean feat, especially when web design tools like HTML and Javascript did not support mobile usage tools like emojis. The response to the app has been overwhelming so far. There have been numerous signups and tons of buzz from the media, all having fun with the app that meant to put humour as the top priority. It has been an enjoyable time for the new audience, having to figure out the messages behind every ridiculous “statement”, although it would probably would not help your sleep friending a drunk texter.

Image Credit: Dailymail

On the downside, sending a string of cartoon images to describe your day to your friends might be harder than expected. Besides having to come up with a mystery-shrouded name –basically random emojis strung together to make up your name in the app– it’s also going to be a challenging time trying to figure out if the frog-kiss-soldier-fire username is your friend or someone from Scotland instead.

It’ll be probably best to sign up for Emojli with just a group of friends and family. Also, the app is currently only available for Apple users, and the creators have no plans to slug it out for hopefuls under the Android system. It may be for the better though.

If Emojli becomes the next Twitter, we might just have to say goodbye to the basic vernacular structure we’ve built over centuries. Hundreds of hours spent on English classes and lessons all gone to waste. Or, maybe just, YOLO, y’know?enablejsapi=1&html5=1& Whateves. Join us on Emojli.

Also read: Let’s All Eradicate the Emoticon ; How Emoji Conquered the World

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