In some ways, women did get the better deal; our shoe choices are broader, as are our clothing options (a suit and tie again, yawn!), and we can make tiny humans. But sometimes, being a woman is hard. And one of those times is when you really, really have to relieve yourself. The lack of a queue for the men’s bathroom has left us envying our Y-chromosome carrying counterparts, wishing we could pee that quickly and with almost-reckless abandon too.
Hold on to your hats, ladies, because the answer is here: the Stand Up. Yes. You read that right. Women can now pee standing up. I repeat, women can now pee standing up because technology and innovation are two very wondrous things. California college grad Sara Grossman has created a device making it easier for women to relieve themselves without having to deal with unsanitary conditions like a public restroom or a porta-potty.

The Stand Up is a disposable, biodegradable option that you can fit easily into your purse or back pocket. When in a pinch, just whip it out and go. Grossman created the Stand Up with music festivals in mind; after that much water to keep you hydrated (and, let’s face it, beer), the last thing women want to be doing is a kungfu-esque squat over a toilet bowl.
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As far as instructions go, the Stand Up is easier to assemble and use than a piece of Ikea furniture, no Allen key required. Just unfold, squeeze, go(!), and throw. The Stand Up essentially creates a funnel-like shape facing away from you. Before you know it, you’ll have completed your first standing pee. How exciting!(?)
Music festivals aside, this little device would come in handy on those long road trips when you’re forced to pull over and use a rest stop toilet – and we know how Asian public toilets can be a nightmare. What’s more, you could stick a few of these in your backpack when travelling and the only thing you’d have to touch would be the toilet paper. For nature enthusiasts, this would come in handy when you haven’t got a hidden spot to go. Women peeing standing up – the future is now.
The Stand Up isn’t the first of its kind, and it’s unclear how likely women will take to such a product. As of now, it doesn’t seem to be making much of a splash (excuse the pun). But we could definitely see the use of the Stand Up when it comes to helping women with disabilities, or even old folks who find it hard to keep sitting down and then standing up just to relieve themselves. If you’d like to give it a whizz, the Stand Up comes in a pack of 6 for USD$6 and can be bought here.
Would you use the Stand Up? Let us know!
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