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Oxford Dictionaries named ‘Selfie’ 2013 word of the year; even politicians love them!

So we have taken a look at what are people Googling for in 2013, both for Singapore and The Philippines. We have also taken a look at the most viewed videos in Singapore and The Philippines.

Search Engine and YouTube aside, here’s another interesting thing to remember about 2013: “Selfie” has been named as word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries. 

Here’s the official definition of Selfie by Oxford:

(n.) a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website. 


“The decision was unanimous this year, with little if any argument. This is a little unusual. Normally there will be some good-natured debate as one person might champion their particular choice over someone else’s. But this time, everyone seemed to be in agreement almost from the start.. […] It seems like everyone who is anyone has posted a selfie somewhere on the Internet. If it is good enough for the Obamas or The Pope, then it is good enough for Word of the Year.” – Oxford University

Research suggested its frequency in the English language had increased by 17,000% in the last year, Oxford University added.

Oxford’s graph below charts the number of mentions the word received in mainstream media during the year to date:

Selfies are getting more popular everyday as the number of mobile devices with front cameras get into the hands of consumers.

The runners-up for 2013 Word of the Year:

Here are some selfies by leaders of the world:

US President
Singapore Prime Minister & Malaysia Prime Minister
Australia Prime Minister
UK Prime Minister

So when was the last time you had a selfie? Earlier today? 

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