Vulcan Post

MyRepublic Opens Registration For Mobile Trial — Get Your Free SIM Card Now

This article originally appeared on Vulcan Post

All week, we Singaporeans have been waiting eagerly for a shot at one of MyRepublic’s 1000 free SIM cards, and we won’t have to wait any longer.

MyRepublic has finally announced the launch of its official website at, at which Singaporeans can register for MyRepublic’s upcoming mobile network trial. The launch of this website also kicks off MyRepublic’s “My 4th Telco” campaign, representing their conviction in their bid to serve as a “better, more consumer-friendly telco”.

Image Credit: MyRepublic

Besides signing up for the mobility trial — and it’s no secret that we all want that free, unlimited 4G data — you can also register for MyRepublic’s mailing list at the same time. According to CEO of MyRepublic Malcolm Rodrigues:

“The campaign is a response to a source of frustration for many Singapore mobile users: a disconnect between what the incumbent telcos are doing and what consumers want.

Our current telco mobile plans are are out of sync with how people use the internet today. It’s not just about people’s data usage habits, fast and affordable mobile connectivity is critical to Singapore becoming a globally connected Intelligent Nation.

Under the “My 4th Telco” banner, MyRepublic hopes to garner and organise popular feedback and support, involve more people through events and user testing, and ultimately create a better informed mobility bid and stronger business case.”

(Source: MyRepublic Facebook page)

While MyRepublic hasn’t indicated how trial participants will be selected, the startup has become a household name as it continues to shake up the telco industry — you can bet that Singaporeans’ response will be overwhelming. So go ahead and do your inner kiasu-ism proud — you can register at once here.

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