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7 Financial Comparison Websites To Help You Make Wise Decisions In Malaysia

Image Credit: TIME

The struggles of managing your money is no joke, especially when you have to handle different bank accounts, sources of income and expenses, and also dealing with household budget.

Image Credit: 99 designs

Also as young adults, it is important to equip ourselves with the right knowledge so that we do not get scammed into believing that every single credit card/insurance plan/housing loan is the “best”.

Fortunately, there are many useful websites out there which are perfect for keeping track of your finances and helping you to manage your money better. Here are 7 financial comparison sites to make full use of in Malaysia.


iMoney was established in 2012 and according to The Star Online, iMoney is the leading financial comparison website in Malaysia and it has assisted close to 50,000 in their applications for banking products. As quoted by Ecommercemilo, the website is currently one of Malaysia’s leading portals in this niche area, and I have no doubt about that.

iMoney provides you with clear cut information on ways to conduct financial related stuff, such as applying for loans, credit cards, car insurance, fixed deposit and more. With iMoney, you can obtain the latest news on personal finance, as well as daily tips to assist you to make the most of your money.


Image Credit: Savemoney Facebook

Started by cousins Liew Ooi Hann and Lucas Ooi, SaveMoney is an independent online finance advice magazine. As the name suggests, the main purpose of the website is to help you to save money. SaveMoney constantly updates its readers with the best deals in the market, different technological comparisons tools, as well as provides different kinds of financial guides with detailed journalistic research, to make sure reader can make the most out of the website. They even dish out handy tips like how to haggle like a pro (a skill we can all agree that every Malaysian needs)!


Image Credit: RinggitPlus Facebook

Released in 2013, which is a partner of Savemoney, has earned a reputable name as one of the best websites to apply for banking products. RinggitPlus has a beautiful layout with cute icons for each category at the top menu of the website.

RinggitPlus also puts a lot of emphasis on getting the most out of your money and unlike some other financial comparison websites, RinggitPlus keeps their readers updated with the newest discounts and promotions in dining, fashion, gadgets, travel, and more.


Image Credit: kclau

Graduated from a degree in Aeronautical Engineering, KCLau never held a job related to engineering. Instead, he started writing on his blog, providing his readers financial information which can be applied in their daily lives. He has been writing for more than 9 years on his blog and what’s best is that the style of his writing is simple and easier to understand, which is great — especially for the finance noobs.


According to TechInAsia, the site has managed to assist over 10,000 users just after the first few months of their launch. CompareHero seems to put a lot of focus on credit card, broadband comparisons, and personal loans having a dedicated filter for both. You are able to compare and sort out different deals according to different criteria, ranging from cashback, low interest, air miles, and more. This is perfect for young working adults who are searching for a credit card which best suits their lifestyle.


Image Credit: 1 Million Dollar Blog

This blog is more suitable for people who are looking for bring their financial knowledge to another level; instead of just saving as much they can, they want to look for ways to invest their hard earned money. The Facebook page of this blog has garnered over 30,000 likes, proving that readers have found the blog to be quite educational and informative. Employees can also read up about employment related financial issues such as EPF.


Based in Johor, MoneyShop allows users to compare and look up for information regarding money management, such as credit, finance, and insurance. Other than that, sometime you can also find out about affordable retail and dining places, such as these article entitled 5 Best Places for Afternoon Tea and Most Affordable Online Cake Stores in KL.

However compared to other sites, MoneyShop might not be 100% independent seeing as they are partnered with several banks such as OCBC, Ambank, and Hong Leong. Nevertheless, it is still a good source of information should you want to learn more about financial and insurance plans.

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