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There are many websites out there which provide tips and guides to help you to live healthier. However when you’re living in Malaysia, these websites may not be useful because most of them are from the US or UK. For instance when it comes to recipes, I would have to substitute certain ingredients from non-localised websites because some of it cannot be obtained at local stores in Malaysia.

PurelyB isn’t quite the first health portal in Malaysia, but it certainly is on the right direction to meet the needs of people who have no idea what to do to get started or where to go for healthy food.

In a brief exchange with the founder and CEO of PurelyB Jesrina Arshad, I was curious about the meaning behind PurelyB, and this is what she has to say:

PurelyB stands for an open message of encouragement we want to communicate to our followers – to purely be healthier in mind, body and spirit …and just be healthier and happier in life.

We chose this name approach as we wanted it to be applicable to every aspect of healthy living so it resonates with everyone in some way or another – purely be fit, purely be nourished, purely be happy , purely be healthy..etc. 😀

To also add to my explanation above, unlike a lot of health portals and services out there we didn’t want to be too typical or be restricted to having the word “health” or “healthy” in our name. We wanted to have more of an open concept to appeal to a wider audience.

The local startup is now focusing on Malaysia as their central base, but sooner or later they will cover other countries in the Southeast Asia.

Image Credit: PurelyB
Image Credit: PurelyB

PurelyB contains a good amount of guides to healthy restaurants and stores in Malaysia, as well as healthy lifestyle tips.

Your One-Stop Health Portal

“What if there was one place people could go to that had all the information they needed on healthy living?”

As a result, PurelyB was created, hoping to encourage and support your fitness journey. The website is fairly new as it was just launched less than a month, nevertheless the team already have a clear strategy with their focus on becoming “your one-stop portal and guide for all your healthy lifestyle needs”. As you can see, the team is working on the website and more health tips and information will be coming soon.

Image Credit: PurelyB
Image Credit: PurelyB

The team behind PurelyB is a dynamic team of 8 consisting of experts from the health and wellness industries, as well as writers, marketing professionals and digital specialists who all share the same passion and mission to lead this positive movement.

Image Credit: PurelyB
Image Credit: PurelyB

Filtering According To Your Needs

The most helpful feature on the site is the search function. Readers have easy access to the types of food they want according to “Health Considerations”, “Location”, “Business Type”, and “Price”.

Image Credit: PurelyB
Image Credit: PurelyB

The result shows all the relevant information about the restaurant, including the operation time, location, contact, and even menu, so that you can think about the food that you would like to order before you set foot into the restaurant. The result also comes with the price range, with a dollar sign providing you with an estimation of how much you’re going to spend for your meal.

What they’d have to work on soon would be to improve their listings. For example, if you search for juice bars, 27 listings will appear in the search results. Out of the 27 listings, 19 of them are Boost Juice outlets from various locations. It would make more sense to have only one Boost Juice in the search results and list all the outlets available when readers click on it.

Other than the filter feature, PurelyB has also partnered with GoGet, to provide you point to point delivery service.

Image Credit: PurelyB
Image Credit: PurelyB

Regardless of whether you’re an expert or a newbie, the website can be your ultimate guide to healthy recipes, tips on nutrition, fitness, and wellness.

To ensure that a portal is useful, the website needs to be complete. Hopefully PurelyB will update their listings so that readers will get more diverse choices to select to supplement their healthy lifestyle.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

© 2021 GRVTY Media Pte. Ltd.
(UEN 201431998C.)