Vulcan Post

Tanjong Pagar Railway Station Welcomes The Future Of Art With Augmented Reality

This article originally appeared on Vulcan Post

With a lot of talk in the recent E3 conferences on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in gaming, one can only dream of getting your hands on that sort of technology. But closer to home, something is brewing.

15 Stations is an interactive Augmented Reality Memory Tour conceived by The OPEN festival director Noorlinah Mohamed. It will investigate the past, present and future of Tanjong Pagar Railway Station. Happening from June 17 to July 4, here’s a chance for you to immerse yourself in a curious mix of history and modern technology.

But first, what exactly is AR and how the heck will I use it?

How Tanjong Pagar Railway Station looks on a regular day. (Image Credit:

AR is the blending of virtual reality and real life, where developers create images within applications that can be incorporated into the real world. Creepy and cool at the same time, users can interact with virtual contents in the real world — while being able to differentiate between the two.

Tanjong Pagar Railway Station via Augmented Reality (Image Credit: Facebook)

In the Memory Tour of Tanjong Pagar Railway Station, you are the only performer wandering through fantasy and reality within the iconic and nostalgic railway station. Created as a downloadable app, and viewed only through smartphones, the tour offers three unique and curated routes — Reflect, Connect, and Imagine — that take you around the beautiful Art Deco building.

Drawing on archival materials and the art of animation, each route presents its own narrative about the station and the people who have passed and will pass through the grounds. Meet the people — both real and imagined — whose lives were connected by the historic station, and explore a world created by the generation who did not get the chance to see it in its heyday. Each route takes about 30 minutes so put aside some time for exploring!

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