Vulcan Post

Smile For The Camera: CCTVs Set Up At 5 Bus Stops For Crowd-Monitoring

This article originally appeared on Vulcan Post

Next time you see a CCTV at your neighbourhood bus stop, don’t panic. It might have been set up by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore.

Close-Circuit Televisions (CCTV) will be set up at five bus stops around Singapore, as part of a Video Analytics trial to monitor the number of passengers waiting at each bus stop. The trials will begin in December, and will last a year.

According to the LTA, the video analytics trial will “allow LTA to work with public transport operators to make timely intervention such as adjusting bus schedules, replacing single deck buses with double deck/bendy buses and/or injecting half-way trips to help ease crowding on buses and ensure that commuters waiting along the route are able to board the buses.”


Theses are the 5 bus stops that Big Brother will watch will be outfitted with CCTVs:

Just so you remember, bus stops aren’t the only ones that will be getting a handy dandy camera. In response to a rise in the number of people flouting the Mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme (2,336 since May 2015), a series of new posters/bus advertisements are now singing a new tune.

bus lane ads on buses bus lane banners

Stay sharp, Singapore drivers!

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