Vulcan Post

#DearNajib Trends On Twitter With These 6 Types Of ‘Hate Mail’

MACC (Malaysian Anti- Corruption) announced in a statement on Monday that the RM2.6 billion deposited in Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts did not come from 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad) and the money was from “donor contribution”, without revealing who are the donors.

Following that, the Internet has exploded with netizens sharing the news on social media. On Twitter, the hashtag #DearNajib picked up speed and is trending in the Malaysia Twittersphere. Twitter users are using the hashtag to direct personal short letters to PM Najib and they certainly have a lot to say. Here are 6 types of #DearNajib ‘hate mail’ that are trending on Twitter.

1. Proactive netizens asking for donations.

2. The Hairstyle Police.

3. People who are flabbergasted at his official statements.

And even though this isn’t from Twitter, we just had to include it.

4. The jokers.

5. People ‘genuinely’ asking him for advice.

6. Desperate ones begging for him to resign.

And of course, among the haters, there are the fan girls.

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