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New Gmail Google+ Update makes your email non-private anymore

Everyday, most of us check our email first thing in the morning. We read from one email to another, labeling one, deleting the next, replying on another one. It’s the basic routine of everyone who uses email for communication.

From now on, the number of emails that you will receive will increase. Thanks to a new announcement from the Gmail team.

Google+ users can now email people in their circles, even without knowing their email addresses.

The new Google+ integration with the email service now allows anyone from your Google+ circle to email you directly. The premise is simple, since your contact is in Google+, he should have a Gmail account. Therefore, email message through Google+ can now be sent to anyone’s email account. This can be done without knowing the receiver’s email address.

In a way, your email address is not private anymore. What many are unaware of is this, by default, anyone from any Google+ account can send you an email message directly. You would have to manually go to your email setting to disable this.

Direct emails using Google+ accounts can be simply done by searching for the person’s name in the “email to” field in Gmail’s compose editor. It will now automatically suggest friends who is using the social networking platform. Once you send it, you Google+ contact will receive it in Gmail and he’ll see your email address.

If your Gmail contact choose to reply, you will then see his email address.

In a blog post, Gmail Product Manager David Nachum mentions that you have control over how people on Google can reach you. This can be done in Gmail’s settings tab.

When you are using Gmail’s new inbox category (where you can see tabs in your email called Primary, Social, et cetera), people in your Google+ circles will have their email messages appear in your primary tab. If they are not in your circle, their message gets filtered on the Social tab.

While I already receive an email from Google that this feature is already available, I still do not see Google+ connections when typing a name in the email editor. Perhaps this feature is not yet available for everyone.

Social Reaction

Not everyone likes this new feature. The most vocal of these people are in Twitter, expressing their criticism on this new Google+ and Gmail integration.

Others are suggesting how to turn this off.

Some main tech media also critiqued this new feature. Forbes call it Larry page’s second big mistake. Mashable author Chris Taylor wrote an article about this business tactic, which he claims to be a depressing move to integrate Google services to its social network.

What do you think of this new integration of Google+ to Gmail?

Read also: YouTube Comments Are Now Powered By Google+

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