Vulcan Post

Singaporeans are the world’s hardest Scotch Whisky drinkers

There’s an Irish saying which goes like this: What butter and whiskey won’t cure, there is no cure for.

Head down to any bars or clubs, you are bound to see people drinking their scotch.

Over past 10 years, Scotch exports have nearly doubled. According to the Scotch Whiskey Association, US is the world’s leading importer of Scotch, and ships in nearly $1.32 billion worth of the Spirit each year.

Although US is the largest importer of Scotch, in terms of per capita consumption, they are nowhere near the nation which consumes the highest number of Scotch bottle per person per year: Singapore.


What it means is this, on average, Singaporeans drink 12.76 bottles of whisky per person per year.

Mark Twain famously said this, “Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whiskey is barely enough,”  but 12.76 bottles’ a bit too extreme don’t you think?

Read also: These charts show you there are more and more rich people in Singapore

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