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12 Jobs For Millennials Who Adore Travelling And Want To Work Remotely

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Back in the days, we would see our parents working at the same company for decades, and it is their loyalty that cannot seem to be reciprocated by the current generation. Millennials work differently as compared to their forefathers and we have the itch and urge to move from one job to another to search for a significant raise in pay, career advancement, and perhaps one of the more important criteria—job satisfaction.

Sure, work was not designed for fun nor for flexibility, but if one were to find this at their job, then they would have possibly found the elusive ‘dream job’. After all, millennials, are the ones who has the propensity to work jobs which allows them to travel or work remotely. Perhaps if the idea was suggested to our forefathers, they would have been appalled.

For those who love travelling and prefer to work remotely and outside the 4 walls of their office cubicle, these 12 freelance jobs were perhaps made with them in mind.

1. Writer

Image Credit: Modvive

30% of what a writer requires as their tool or weapon of choice is his or her laptop, whilst the remainder of the 70% would perhaps be their creativity. Place a writer anywhere in the world with a good WiFi connection and a charger, and they would be good to go.

2. Software developer

Image Credit: Madgex

Software developers do not have to subject themselves to life behind a desk because they have the freedom to work remotely. With clients available via the virtual Internet, it becomes increasingly easier to work away from the office.

3. Travelling photographer

Image Credit: Gossip Katta

The world is a travelling photographer’s oyster and a camera is his or her tool to capture sceneries and make them permanent. It does not make sense for a photographer to be confined to a desk and even when they wish to edit their images after shooting them, all they would require is a laptop.

4. Artist

Image Credit: Christine Vocation

Being an artist means that with paint and a canvas, you could create something out of virtually nothing. Painters, caricature sketchers, and freelance artists can dream up their creations at home or anywhere they wish to.

5. Game developer

Image Credit: Wholes Games

Another job which allows millennials to work remotely would be for them to pursue a job in game development. Tech and creation is growing quickly in the industry, hence it makes sense to jump on the bandwagon and become one. A perk of being a game developer would be their high employability rate regardless of where they choose to work in the world, as long as they have a good understanding of the project’s deliverables.

6. Penetration testers

Image Credit: ZD Net

Penetration testers may not sound like a ‘real job’ to parents from Gen X or before, it actually is a legitimate occupation. Essentially, what a pen tester would do on the daily would be to test a computer system, network or web app to ensure that it is not easy to hack.

7. Performer

Image Credit: Xin Hua Net

Performers are perhaps the most creative of the bunch and whether you are a dancer singer or actor, or maybe even a triple threat with all 3, the world is your stage. You could perform on local stages and when you have earned your name, the possibilities to perform elsewhere in the world is endless. If talent is not one of your cards to play, a standup comedian is another job which allows you to do the same.

8. Home tutor

Image Credit: Home Tuition Malaysia 2U

Tutors are constantly travelling from one location to another in order to accommodate to their students. Home tutors may not be working from 9-5pm and might even work weekends. However, there is the flexibility in being able to choose which location to teach at and which student to tutor.

9. Travel guide

Image Credit: Free Tour Sydney

Travel guides have the liberty of scenic sites being their workplace. Wherever tourists wish to visit, that is the place that a travel guide will find themselves at. Everyday in this job would allow one to appreciate a city’s sights and scenery and is a job for those who have wanderlust in their soul. They also have the opportunity to meet people from various countries and be exposed a little to their diverse cultures.

10. Chiropractor

Image Credit: Purdy Healthy

With a rising number of neuro-muscular-related ailments, chiropractors are no doubt an on-demand job. Those who choose to be in the medical field generally prefer to be serving patients in their own practice. However, chiropractors are a little more lax about it in the way that they are able to attend to clients out of office, due to the nature of the ailment. Most patients wouldn’t mind their chiropractors visiting them at home.

11. Masseuse

Image Credit: West London Living

A masseuse’s job is more than just massaging their client to ease them of their sore muscles. They would essentially be somewhat like their client’s therapist as well. After all, they help create an atmosphere which is calming and soothing for their clients to recuperate and rest in. A travelling masseuse would also visit their client at their home.

12. Graphic designer

Graphic designers utilise their creativity skills in order to create something out of nothing. They don’t needy many tools in order to work—just a laptop with the right software would do. Thus, they can take in jobs even when they are on a vacation in Maui—well, that’s if they want to, in the first place.

Does your job too allow flexibility and the option to work while travelling? Let us know what lucky job that is!

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