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For many, a day doesn’t begin until they’ve had a dose of coffee.

We all have our favourite brands and brews, but how much do we know about why it has become the drink of choice for many over the years?

These scientific facts provide the explanation. Explore them, and we promise you that by the end, you’ll fall even deeper in love with the bean than before.

1. High Earners Are Usually Coffee Drinkers

Elon Musk / Image Credit: The Business Journals
Elon Musk / Image Credit: The Business Journals

According to an article on The Guardian, coffee is the drink of choice for “ambitious high achievers”. Therefore, it’s no surprise that it has very well-known (and busy) entrepreneur fans.

According to a feature on OWaves, Tesla’s founder Elon Musk fuels his packed workday with 2 to 4 cups of coffee. Howard Schultz, founder of Starbucks, also starts his day with coffee that he brews himself, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Whatsapp’s Jan Koum bonded over coffee – which led to the eventual acquisition of the latter for a whopping US$19 billion.

2. Scientists Have The Highest Proportion Of Coffee Drinkers

Image Credit: Lifehack
Image Credit: Lifehack

According to a survey by donut-coffee chain Dunkin Donuts, scientists and lab technicians were the heaviest coffee drinkers among all other professions in the US.

Going down the list, it’s also obvious that these jobs are ones that require a lot of concentration to execute properly. Thus, coffee would be the best means to get that boost.

3. Coffee Gives You An Adrenaline Boost

According to a report from Brown University Health Education, caffeine helps to “stimulate the adrenal gland gland to produce more adrenaline”, thus leading to noticeable increase in strength and performance in drinkers.

The video above also explains that caffeine occupies the same receptors of our brain as adenosine, also known as the “sleepy hormone”.

So basically, whenever we consume caffeine, less adenosine can reach these receptors –  making you more awake and alert.

4. Coffee, Drunk Before Exercise, Can Boost Fat Loss And Enhance Your Performance

On the note of adrenaline, this one’s for all the gym regulars.

A report in Sports Medicine states that caffeine is a “powerful ergogenic acid” that helps athletes “train at greater output and/or train longer”.

Tennis superstar Serena Williams was spotted downing an espresso between sets during a match that she was losing, saying that she “needed [it] to wake up”.

Serena Williams / Image Credit: Sports Grid
Serena Williams / Image Credit: Sports Grid

She then went on to trounce her opponent.

According to active.com, coffee, just like green tea, a commonly cited drink of choice for weight watchers, also has “fat-burning qualities that translates into big losses in calories over time [and] can boost calorie burning by four percent over the course of 2.5 hours”.

5. Coffee Boosts Memory And Thinking Skills

According to an article by Harvard Health Publications, caffeine not only boosts mental performance, but also helps thinking skills . Quoting a Journal of Nutrition study, it was found that regular drinkers, especially those above the age of 70, scored better on tests of mental function.

As for memory, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that “caffeine enhances certain memories at least up to 24 hours after it is consumed”.

6. Coffee Inspires And Boosts Creativity

Popular TV show Sherlock / Image Credit: Tumblr
Popular TV show Sherlock / Image Credit: Tumblr

What do Beethoven, Bach, Benjamin Franklin and Voltaire have in common? Well, they’re all coffee drinkers!

Known for his great works and also eccentric temper, Beethoven started every day with coffee, and according to his biography, the brew was an “indispensable item in his diet”.

One can argue that these individuals were brilliant in the first place, but coffee does inspire and boost creativity, in a physiological way. As stated in a New Yorker article, it keeps us focused and our minds from wandering, making us able to accomplish more.

7. A Majority Of Ready-To-Drink Coffees Are Made From Extracts Or Concentrates

Not all of us like to queue for our daily brew, and for that, we have convenient options like ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee.

However, there’s a common misconception that they are made from freshly brewed coffee – they’re not, and are mostly produced using extracts and concentrate.

Of course, there are companies who adhere strictly to the practice of using real brewed coffee, and one of the more prominent brands is POKKA.

Having pioneered the canned coffee revolution in Japan in 1972, POKKA Coffee has become the top-selling RTD coffee locally in the last four years (according to volume sales figures from Nielsen Singapore).

Besides its iconic Milk Coffee, the brand also has Cappuccino, Singapore-style Nanyang Coffee, and Mocha, its latest addition that is filled with indulgent rich chocolate.

Image Credit: Vulcan Post

Thus, there’s no excuse – no matter where, when, or how you like your coffee, with POKKA, you’ll be able to put these 7 facts to work in your life!

This article was written in collaboration with POKKA Coffee.

Featured Image Credit: Virgin

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