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13 Retro Malaysian TV Ads That Will Confirm Take You Back To The 90’s

Those born or raised during the 90’s will probably be able to remember the famous jingles to many local and international brands. The stickiness of such commercials might even allow you to recite the dialogue and lyrics word for word, and question why such brainpower was never apparent when it came to your studies.

We’ve gathered a list of as many as we could find on YouTube, to bring you for a quick stroll down memory lane.

Disclaimer: We will not be taking any responsibility any earworms that you might be stuck with after reading this article. You have been warned.

1) Pizza Hut

If you’re familiar with the hotline number for Pizza Hut, most likely it’s thanks to this little jingle.

This commercial incorporated a nice melody that was effective in getting people to recognise their brand and have customers be familiar with the number they needed to call for ordering. Our older colleagues report remembering “755-2525” in the past, but this is the one we know.

Although now most orders are done through online, this particular jingle remains stuck in our heads to this day.

2) Tora Datang Lagi/Ding Dang

One popular childhood gimmick for Malaysians growing up in the 90’s was the Tora Datang Lagi and Ding Dang toys.

The surprise element of the mystery toy included in each box was the main selling point but what made people recognise the brand definitely was from the jingle that played during their commercial.

3) Nano

This sour candy that made waves around Southeast Asia is quite a favourite here in Malaysia but it’s the theme song that people remember the most.

Accompanied with a simple animation that fits the quirky theme of the jingle, it’s still a song that is being hummed around until today whenever we pop a piece of this candy into our mouths.

4) KFC 

KFC has had a line of memorable advertisements but one that stands out would have to be their Zoo Negara collaboration.

KFC released this commercial where a range of animals sang a song to welcome the children. Say it together, “KFC Idamanku Selalu!” or if you had it spammed at you in English, “KFC that’s where I want to be!”

5) Gardenia

Okay, now this one is a no brainer on why it became so iconic. Even if you’re not a fan of this brand, you’d have at least heard about this song at least once.

It played on the radio, on TV commercials and even vendors selling their bread on lorries would blast this melody across. In fact, they even have different renditions of this tune nowadays but this iconic one remains a crowd favourite.

6) NTV 7 (I Feel Good)

Those who tuned in to the NTV 7 channel a lot back in the late 90’s would remember this song, especially when it played along to a sequence or montage that aired in between their shows.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the whole montage online but just with this melody itself is enough to bring back memories of when you probably sang along to this whenever it came on.

7) Trojan Perkasa

One of the common themes with older commercials were mascots. Trojan Perkasa, a local detergent brand, had a particular superhero dressed in a gladiator-esque outfit as their prime image.

The expressive acting between the characters involved was definitely what made this commercial memorable.

8) Ridsect

Whenever it came to mosquito commercials, what was widely used back then was the annoying buzzing sound followed by the aerosol spray that’s here to ‘save the day’.

Ridsect was known to incorporate this into their commercials, some of them even with no other audio except those 2 sounds which goes to show that simplicity sometimes is the best way to send a message.

9) Shelltox

Another iconic mosquito spray advertisement would be for Shelltox (or more commonly known as Shieldtox now) and their brand ambassador named Malik Noor who used to be a national champion for bodybuilding.

We’re unsure whether it was his rippling muscles that helped to sell the swift-killing capabilities of the spray.

10) Ubat Batuk Cap Ibu Dan Anak

A unique take on a Malaysian commercial by combining their brand with the traditional “wayang kulit” aspect.

Everyone remembers the intense coughing that happens in the beginning along which did well with promoting their cough medicine. At least, my parents fell for this advertisement and always made sure to stock up on this medicine.

11) Apollo

If there was ever a break between those weekend anime shows you watched, this commercial would be one that was guaranteed to play.

The child actor has long since been iconic for just simple saying the brand name aloud while munching on the local treats that were also a common favourite back in the day.

12) Adabi

Personally, I’d like to thank this jingle and commercial for showing me how simple cooking some local dishes could be. Not only did it have quite a catchy tune but the lyrics of the song were also helpful in giving instructions on how to use their products. Also, the expressions of the family when they’re asking for more is priceless.

13) Maggi 

It’s hard not think of this when you’re making your own bowl of instant noodles. The lyrics are what makes it and until now, this particular jingle is still used in some of their more updated commercials so guess the iconic status is well-deserved.

Are there any other particular commercials you remember airing when you were growing up? Leave them in the comments below!

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