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3 Startups To Look Out For On Your Journey To Personal Wellness

Singaporeans are not exactly the image of perfect health, and who can blame us?

Work is tough, and barely 5 minutes from any workplace lies a plethora of food options. But if you’ve made up your mind, good health isn’t impossible.

What’s truly challenging is the coveted toned physique.

Watch The Food

Image Credit: Amaris B.

The basic logic here is consuming less than you expend, but when you’re already leading an active lifestyle that’s pretty manageable.

Hawker food, while affordable and delicious, can be a veritable what’s what of unhealthy oils. Some pack home food or pick up cafe salads, but there are also other options.

Fitness Ration is one such option. This startup creates gender-specific meals based on the Health Promotion Board’s nutrition requirements. Not only that, but they also have meals for different needs, from lighter ‘Lean On Me’ bowls to ‘Heavy Duty’ packs. Their microwaveable food comes in bundles, so you can just refrigerate them whenever.

If you’re still feeling peckish and granola bars don’t satisfy (Psst, also high in sugar!), here’s another solution.

Boxgreen is a local startup founded to resolve unhealthy snacking habits, with each snack pack being transparent about their calories contents. And with over 60 combinations of snacks, this startup will ensure you never get tired of them.

Fitting In Fitness

Small habits like taking the stairs to butt clenches at your desk can kickstart your journey to fitness. But since you’ve started, why not aim for the stars?

Image Credit: Amaris B.

Singapore’s Ritual Gym is here for you.

#supportlocal aside, this High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) gym is unique for being a 30-minute gym, as opposed to the typical 1.5 hours people spend at gyms.

Ritual Gym provides you everything from workout attire to meal replacement smoothies.

For HIIT noobs, there are signboards with instructions from Beginner to Advanced, along with inspirational posters to keep your gym rat mood upbeat for 30 minutes.

But Where Are My Abs?

Unfortunately for the gym rat who wants their 6 pack abs, that chiselled abdomen is not something you can carve out from just working out and eating right.

Image Credit: Amaris B.

If you’ve been exercising and doing resistance training, chances are, you do have a 6-pack… only it’s buried underneath the stubborn residual fat.

The wrong types of cardio, e.g. just running alone, will not necessarily help you lose weight or sculpt. Neither does just doing sit-ups and crunches for abdominal training alone.

So if you’ve exhausted yourself following workout and diet regimes without success, here’s a possible solution.

Reveal Your 6 Packs by Shaving Off Stubborn Layers

Amaris B. Clinic offers a specific treatment that can help take off that layer of stubborn fats – the Vaser Hi-Def Lipo.

This treatment is available for both males and females.

Unlike the misconceptions people have about such treatments and obese patients, this treatment is intended for fit people with good muscle tone without excessive fats or loose skin.

The target area is the abdomen.

After all, if you are into fitness, wouldn’t you want washboard abs to showcase your months of determination and commitment?

Although it may not apply to everyone, well-defined 6 packs can be the pinnacle of physical perfection. And for those concerned for their safety, we can assure you that there is no such need to.

Lead doctor, Dr. Ivan Puah, has been involved in body aesthetic treatments since 2004 and is an individual of good repute in his field.

Vaser Hi-Def Lipo is a sculpting treatment starts with a small insertion, and a device that emits ultrasonic waves is inserted to gently break down only the fat cells around the target area.

This process sculpts the muscular anatomy via a gentle suction process that leaves surrounding tissues largely undisturbed. This treatment can reduce fats around the muscle groups, and the muscles definition will be rendered more refined.

As the muscle structures are chiselled out, the underlying musculature will also be made more visible.

And voilà! The 6 packs you once had hidden underneath will be made visible.

Uncover Buried Treasure With Vaser Hi-Def Lipo

Achieving a 6 pack can sound like a daunting process, but it isn’t an entirely impossible dream.

Just think of it as uncovering buried treasure, with the right tools – working out and a well-planned diet – the abs will define themselves.

The last step is just to unearth them from the stubborn sand and silt, and who says you cannot play cheat with a little extra outside help?

This article was written in collaboration with Amaris B. Clinic.

Featured Image Credit: Tech in Asia

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