Vulcan Post

Google Reveals Singapore Number One For Smartphone Adoption, Surprised?

Image Credit: Huffingtonpost

We have long known that Singapore has an amazing smartphone adoption rate, but how amazing is amazing? Well as it turns out, according to a global study called Consumer Barometer released by Google, Singapore is the number one smartphone adopter in the world at 85 per cent.

Based on 150,000 interviews, the study also revealed that more Asians use their smartphones to access the internet more than desktop computers, making Asia a truly mobile-first continent.

The blogpost on October 28 by Google reads: “In Asia, consumers are living in a mobile-first world that needs new products and services built with mobile in mind, not as an after thought or nice-to-have. There’s a great chance here for Asian businesses to lead the world in mobile-first innovation by reacting fast to the revolution that’s happened on the streets right outside their office doors. All they need to do is heed the consumers’ call.

Here are some statistics on Singapore that might fascinate you:

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