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MyRepublic Launches New ‘Power’ Plan With 20GB Data For Just $24/Mth

More Singaporeans are opting for data-heavy mobile plans and don’t mind cutting down their talktime and SMS, which they don’t use a lot of anymore.

Today, MyRepublic launched its new Power plan to fit the lifestyle needs of this type of consumer.

The new SIM-only mobile plan comes without contract, and offers 20GB of data for $24/month, with 100 talktime minutes and 100 SMS.

For users who are especially data-hungry, it also takes the fear out of unknowingly ‘bursting’ your plan with a feature that automatically stops access to further data usage once you reach your limit.

To continue using more data, users can still extend their monthly limit through one-time or recurring add-ons.

In terms of its price point, the new Power plan currently sits between MyRepublic’s existing Unlimited plan and Uno 18 plan, and each of them are intended to cater to the habits of different mobile subscribers.

Screenshot from MyRepublic website

Its $48/month Unlimited plan targets users who need full access to all-unlimited data, talktime and SMS, while the $18/month Uno 18 plan caters to data-light users with just 1GB of data, but 1000 talktime and 1000 SMS.

As a launch promotion, MyRepublic will give users 50GB of data for their first three months, instead of the usual 20GB, when they sign up for the Power plan by 31 December 2019.

Click here to view their plans.

Featured Image Credit: MyRepublic

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