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Why You Should Download The Maybank App (Even If You Don’t Have An Account)

It is very close to Chinese New Year and everyone is getting ready to balik kampung to visit their families and get that sweet, sweet angpao. Or if you have a more modern aunty, you might just get an e-Angpao.

Maybank, will be joining in the huat spirit by offering cashbacks and promotions to their users, and extending it to non-Maybank users as well, starting with…

1. Up to RM18 Cashback with QRPay and MAE from the Maybank App

Maybank’s ‘CNY Ho Yeah! With M2U oh Yeahhhh!’ campaign means you can get RM8 instant cashback with a minimum spend of RM38, and RM18 instant cashback with a minimum spend of RM88.

The full list of participating merchants can be found here, and it includes merchants such as Guardian, Ninjaz, GO Noodle House, Hush Puppies, and even Cold Storage.

Do note that to enjoy this you must activate Maybank QRPay on your Maybank App, and link it to your current, savings or MAE account. Debit and credit cards are not entitled to cashback. 

Special bonus for Maybank users: if your Maybank QRPay is linked to your current or savings account, scanning and paying is really fast! Unlike other e-wallets, you don’t have to hog the queue lines topping up before paying.

2. Passing The Prosperity Ong

Maybank App’s e-Angpao feature is now back again, allowing you to send e-Angpaos to friends and relatives with relative ease.

This way, you don’t even have to buy physical angpao and you’ll be saving the trees too. Family members or friends who are overseas can also get angpao through Foreign Telegraphic Transfer or Western Union. 

Better yet, you can join in the spirit of giving by donating through MaybankHeart where your donations can go to people in need.

You can find out more here.

3. Get More When You’re Giving 

To make things a little more festive for CNY, Maybank App has updated their Jewel Rush game, giving you a chance to win some additional cash.

All you have to do is tap on the gold coins and avoid the firecrackers—it’s just that simple. After, you can cash out your winnings into MAE.

You’ll also get more chances to play the game when you: 

Here’s a short guide on what you’ll need to do to activate a MAE account:

For Maybank Users

If you’re a Maybank user, I’m sure you already have the Maybank App installed on your phone. If not, then you’ll have to head on to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the app.

1. Login to your Maybank2u account
2. Sign up for MAE if you haven’t by clicking on the ‘M’ icon,
3. Key in your email address and invite code,
4. That’s it, you have your MAE account.

It’s fairly easy to sign up for MAE if you’re a Maybank user

Non-Maybank User

But don’t fret—even if you’re not a Maybank user, the promotion is extended to you as well and you can benefit from it just like a regular Maybank user. The setup process will take slightly longer, but it’s still just a one-time process.

1. Download the Maybank App on Google Play Store or Apple App Store,
2. Click on the ‘M’ icon and select Experience MAE Now,
3. Key in your details, which will include: Full Name, Mobile Number, IC Number, etc.,
4. And that’s it, you’re a MAE user now.

You still can create an account on MAE without a Maybank account.

MAE takes being an e-wallet a step further—think of it as an e-wallet coupled with banking features. After topping-up the MAE e-wallet, pay with it by scanning a QR code, or even request to split bills with your friends.


CNY Ho Yeah! With M2U Oh Yeahhhh! campaign gives you cash rewards when you transact from the Maybank App or Maybank2u website. You can enjoy cashback when you pay with Maybank QRPay or MAE.

Sending e-Angpao, donating to MaybankHeart, and paying your bills will net you additional chances to play Jewel Rush to win some sweet cash. Promotion ends on February 15, 2020. 

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