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I Cut My Own Hair On TikTok To Try To Win An iPhone 11 Pro

So I now have the TikTok app on my phone, but I’ve never used it and I’ve never browsed on it. Thanks to this challenge I was invited to join, I now have a reason to.

Head & Shoulders brought this challenge to my team, and I was the chosen one thanks to my luscious MCO locks.

It doesn’t hurt that I could walk away with a brand-new iPhone 11 Pro too.

Image Credit: Head & Shoulders

The Challenge

I’m sure we’re all in the same boat, especially with the MCO and the CMCO, going to the barbers was not an option. 

For the bold and courageous, we can attempt to cut our own hair and give more TLC to our scalp—which is exactly what Head & Shoulders wants men nationwide to do. 

So, I looked through the previous #HNSHAIRSOMEMAN submissions for some inspiration. Influencers such as Preston Les, Anthony Ng and Dash Eugene even joined in the challenge.


HAIRSOME TIPS during this MCO! Just wash it, trim it! Join challenge to win iphone 11 pro! #HNSHairsomeMan #SP @nashkhiruddin

Credit: Nash Khiruddin

Steps Of Joining The Challenge

1. Show off your messy hair, the messier the better,
2. Wash your hair,
3. Trim your hair,
4. Wash your hair again,
5. Style your hair,
6. Show it off!

Also, you do not have to use a Head & Shoulders shampoo to join the challenge. You can just use any type of shampoo or soap (why aren’t you using shampoo?) to participate.

The glow up! / Image Credit: AlvinChong123

So I had a gameplan to make my first TikTok.

Here’s The Hardest Part Of The Challenge

The early part of showing my messy hair and washing was easy to do. The hard part was trying to cut my own hair. In the video, I opted to not cut it while I was recording as it was fairly impossible to cut my own hair while holding the phone.

I was afraid of botching it up too much, so I called for reinforcements in the form of my mother

Depending on the hairstyle that you want, some might have it easier than others. You can even just put a bowl on your head and cut it like so.

The Finishing Touches

After that, all I had to do was wash my hair and then style it up.

So I styled up my hair and wore one of my nicer shirts. Luckily, after drying my hair and styling it, it behaved and I didn’t have to struggle with it too much.


#hnshairsomeman @headandshouldersmy Head & Shoulders Ultramen makes my hair stop looking like an overgrown mess!

Here’s my post for the challenge

It’s Posting Time

Once that’s done, all that’s left to do is to enter the proper hashtags accordingly.

1. Record your #HairSomeMan challenge on TikTok,
2. Make sure you’re using the Hairsome soundtrack,
3. Post it up with the hashtag: #HNSHAIRSOMEMAN and tag @headandshouldersmy,
4. Complete the caption with less than 10 words: “Head & Shoulders Ultramen makes my hair…”,
5. Make sure your account is set to public.

And that’s it. Now, all I have to do is wait and see if I can win myself a new iPhone 11 Pro, or a pair of Apple AirPods.

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