Vulcan Post

We are now on WeChat official account and Locket!

At Vulcan Post, we strive to publish interesting content everyday to you our readers.

Other than producing great content, we are always thinking of ways to reach out to more people. A huge portion of our traffic comes from mobile because people browse for news and their social networks when they are on the go.

To make our news even more accessible to you on the go, we are excited to share that we are partnering with WeChat, one of the fastest growing mobile chatting app. WeChat has provided us with a WeChat official account, where you can simply download and add us to follow our news.

Here’s how you can do it:

On top of that, to reach out to more people, we have also partnered with New York City-based Locket, which has developed a platform for ads and content on Android lock screens. Locket is an app which broadcasts content to Android lock screens. Last November, Locket shared that it has more than 350,000 users and delivers more than 10 million lock screen impressions daily.

If you are on Android, you should definitely download the app to customize your lock screen, and follow interesting news even without unlocking your Android device. You can also follow our updates there too!

For those of you who do not already know, we write about technology that affects the everyday person’s life. Other than just reporting, we comment on these Internet lifestyle news and trends by adding on our thoughts. Through our articles, too, we hope that readers can learn how to leverage and maximize the technologies available to you. From dating apps to the latest online shopping site, we try our very best to make all our topics relevant and fun to read.

We are dedicated to bring you the most relevant Internet lifestyle news in Southeast Asia. We are always looking for great talents to join our team, so do drop us a note if you would like to chat! Other than that, we are also always looking out for new companies to feature as well as interesting news.

Know this: we are just an email away!

Also read: Former AOL Tech and Engadget Editorial Director joins us as our advisor!

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