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In much the same way that free bread is expected at the beginning of fancy meals, so is taking a picture and sharing it on Instagram. We know Asians love taking photos of our food (sometimes with paragraphs of hashtags), so here’s how your food photography is about to go pro. And how the rest of us are about to sigh and shake our heads in despair.

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You don’t have to be that guy anymore.

Looking to capitalize on the growing market of foodies who love showing off over-exposed, grainy images of their cheesecakes and salads, South African internet provider MWEB brings you the #dinnercam. Not just the dinnercam – it’s the #dinnercam, hashtag and all, thank you very much.

dinner cam asia

Housed at El Burro, a restaurant in Cape Town, the #dinnercam is a portable lighting studio aimed almost exclusively at people who want to take better pictures of their food. Just step up to the #dinnercam with your plate in hand, set it up in the plate-ready booth, and choose your lighting (which range from bright to purple). Now that you’ve adjusted everything to perfection, all that’s left to do is snap a photo of your food and share it on social media in a jealousy-inspiring way!

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MWEB encourages diners to share their photos of their meals taken via the #dinnercam on social media with the #dinnercam hashtag – patrons who do so will receive a free print photo of their masterpiece in return. We presume that this will allow you to pin up photos of all the meals you’ve ever eaten along the walls of your house.


To be fair, the microwave-sized #dinnercam is part of an ongoing social experiment by MWEB and aims to explore how Wifi changes everyday life in public spaces. While the device certainly is intriguing, it makes you wonder about the impact one little photo can have: we want out dinners to accompany us into a little photobooth before we eat it. Who knows what’s next? Perhaps a 360 GlamCam for your food?

Is the #dinnercam the end of days, or does it open new advertising opportunities for food-based establishments? Let us know in the comments!

Also read: We took a look at 3 celebrity Instagram accounts, and this is what we found

Categories: News Reader, Lifestyle

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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