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Top 5 Apps To Make You A Pro University Student

If you’re currently in university — or have ever attended one — you’d know how hectic things can get, especially as deadlines for assignments draw near. At times like these, it always helps to be focused, organised and one step ahead of the game.

Here’s a list of 5 useful apps that could help make your time in university a lot easier.

1. Evernote

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Available On: Both iOS and Android

Evernote is the modern workspace that helps you organise your notes, tutorials, web articles and other work related documents. It’s available on most devices, and syncs across all of them from time to time. This means you can work on the Evernote app on your desktop, leave the house, and continue working on the same document from your smartphone or tablet.

You can also use Evernote to jot down notes during classes — the app could potentially replace all the files and notebooks you’ve been lugging around all this while.

2. Wunderlist

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Available On: Both iOS and Android

One of my personal favourites, Wunderlist is a task manager that you can use to create lists for different tasks. You can also create custom lists for projects and group assignments.

Lists can be updated with all the related tasks that need to be completed, along with deadlines that have to be met. Groupmates can then be invited to view these lists, so that no one will be able to give the excuse that they are not sure of what they are supposed to be doing.

Wunderlist also works with calendar apps like Sunrise, which brings us to our next app…

3. Sunrise

Image Credit: App Store

Available On: Both iOS and Android

As The Verge exclaims, “Sunrise is the first great calendar app for Android.” We agree, and in fact, it’s just as awesome on iOS.

All university students have been through this scenario: we procrastinate, leaving things till the last minute. When the final day before an assignment submission rolls around, we find ourselves hopelessly unprepared and stressed out.

This is why you need to plan and space out all of your activities on Sunrise. You can choose to add reminders, location and even people to each activity. The best part? You can integrate other apps like Evernote, Foursquare, Trello — all of which will help you keep updated with your work.

4. Kindle

Image Credit: App Store

Available On: Both iOS and Android

Unless you enjoy carrying huge textbooks to class everyday, you’ll know how much of a help Kindle can be. It has been around for a while now, but for those who haven’t heard, Kindle is an app that lets you carry around your entire book (or e-book, as the case may be) collection wherever you’re going. You can also use it to make notes as you’re reading, highlight key points and even search the web, if you’re unable to understand something.

The biggest plus, of course, is that e-books are not only lighter, they’re also generally cheaper than textbooks.

5. Google Translate

Image Credit: App Store

Available On: Both iOS and Android

This is an app that’s perfect for foreign students, especially if you don’t speak the local language. You don’t even have to type in the original words — simply scan text using the camera, and within seconds, you will get the translated text on screen.

The apps on this list are ones that have helped me on my own journey in university, and they continue to do so everyday. If you’ve already graduated, or aren’t currently in university, there’s no need to feel left out: these apps can even be used to plan vacations, if need be.

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