Vulcan Post

Don’t Play Play: SGMOJI Totally Understands What Singaporeans Are Looking For In Emojis

This article originally appeared on Vulcan Post

Singlish is the best. It’s all about minimalism; how so little can say so much. Just think about how “shiok means oh wow that feels/tastes utterly amazing and beyond this world”, how sorry no cure can mean I will never in a thousand lifetimes forgive you or how talk cock means a load of balderdash that is coming through the orifice that is your mouth” — sweet, succinct, and so effective. Pretty amazing is the magical language of Singlish, eh?

To take it to another level of minimalism, though, creative agency BBDO has come up with SGMOJI to pile on the SG50 spirit that is rampant this week. SGMOJI is a guide to mastering the beloved language of Singlish — in the universal language of Emoji (Download the whole guide here). The idea came about a day after Twitter introduced the #SG50 hashtag. Oh Twitter, is one measly hashtag all you can manage for this SG50-hungry nation?

SGMOJI is pretty amazing; we had a good laugh, and here are some stellar examples:

All Hail the National Beverage.
So old already want to act cute.
An important scion of society.
Also, an important scion of society.
Ah, the human condition that is suffering.

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