E-shopping is a convenient way to shop for certain groups of items such as electronic devices as well as groceries. It plays out well too for items that may be a little harder to transport around or for ones that might result in the purchaser waiting behind long, endless queues just to pay for it.
With online shopping, no longer do shoppers have to leave the comfort of their own room to do a little retail therapy and this has caused a new wave of shoppers who mainly conduct their shopping sprees with the tip of their fingers.
In fact in a recent online survey, it can be seen that more than half of the participants of the study shop online at least once a month and more than 85% of them spend RM500 or less online in that short period of time. With such high frequency of online shopping, it is safe to say that Malaysians utilise sites like Groupon and Lazada often.
Hence, if one were to frequent these sites that many times in a month and spend a subsequently large amount there, it is only wise to earn a little bit back during these shopping sprees. That is where the system of cash back comes into play. Cashback is the principle whereby when one purchases something online, they get a certain percentage of cash back for their efforts.
Getting Your Money’s Worth

Getex is one way through which Malaysians can essentially ‘get a little extra’ back for their purchases online from sites like Zalora, Ensogo and AirAsiaGo. These cashbacks range up to even 12%, and users of Getex can get coupons, deals as well as price comparisons, besides assured cashback for their online purchases.
The way it works is that Getex is a registered partner with some online shopping and e-commerce platforms in Malaysia and they help these platforms reach the right customers by offering them the right deals and offers. Hence, these platforms share a percentage of their profits with Getex, and Getex in turn, shares some of it in the form of cashback with their users.
It is a win-win situation for both parties and it is as simple as signing up for an account, choosing a preferred store and let the shopping spree begin.
Paid To Shop Online
When shopping with Getex, it is very clear how much a shopper will get in the form of cashback as well as the actual price comparison. For instance, through the online store of Value Basket, users can compare between store prices as well as the deal prices offered by Getex. If users prefer the deals offered by Getex, they can opt to ‘grab deal’ and this will lead them to the Value Basket site where they can proceed to make their purchases and anticipate some form of cashback for their shopping spree.
The site is not very complicated in the form of its user interface and it has a myriad of deals in various categories that it can offer, such as in travel, beauty and books. Though cashback is not an immediate process, with Getex offering cashback within a period of 30 to 90 days depending on the retailer, it is still something that is useful because of the rate by which Malaysians shop online.
Facebook user Rlynn Teh said, “I had a great experience getting some cash back from my online shopping. Surprisingly It really works!” If the way to the future is to conduct most if not all our shoppings online, then this is the era that cashback sites can truly blossom. There aren’t too many available in our shores as of now, and that is where Getex Malaysia can leverage on filling the gap in the market.