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9 Healthy Snack Brands You Should Tell Your Manager About When It’s Pantry Restock Time

Most offices now are pretty efficient when it comes to making sure the pantry is always stocked, but what goes into the cupboards are another topic. It’s always fine and dandy to have those sweets and addictive snacks to munch on but the nutritional value you get from those snacks should also be considered.

We’ve personally found that just having healthier food options available actually got us snacking better, so here are some recommendations of 9 healthy snack brands we believe most office pantries should have just in case your employers are open to taking suggestions for the next re-stocking.

1) Nestle Fitnesse (Cereal)

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There’s no concrete rule that cereal can only be consumed during breakfast. Nestle offers a wide variety of cereal flavours under their brand but the Fitnesse range should definitely be in your office pantry.

With many flavours, a low calorie count and low sugar, you can munch away guilt-free.

2) YoGood (Muesli Bars)

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Muesli bars are a good swap in case you’re not feeling like having the typical biscuit-based snack. They’re usually packed full of vitamins and minerals, dietary fibre, soluble fibre that helps lower cholesterol levels, and Vitamin C.

A brand that’s known to produce tasty and nutritional muesli bars is YoGood. From their range of flavours, we have to say we favour peanut butter and their signature strawberry.

3) Yakult (Milk Drink)

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Milk drinks are nice to have in between meals throughout the day to give that boost of energy to stay awake. Yakult’s probiotic fermented milk drinks are advertised to improve digestion and build immunity if taken on a daily basis.

Currently there are two flavours under the brand in Malaysia with the blue one being Yakult Light that has less sugar and calories.

4) Quaker (Oats)

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Oats are one of those staple options for breakfast as they’re considered one of the healthiest grains in the world. They’re packed full of nutrients that can help with weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and reducing the risk of heart diseases.

One of the most popular brands that carry a wide range of oat-based products is Quaker. The brand doesn’t only have oats but has expanded its range to include snack bars, biscuits, and more.

5) Green Tea (OSK)

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Green Tea is known as the healthiest beverage you could possibly drink besides water. So for those days when you’re feeling slumped at work and need something to re-energise your brain cells, drinking a good hot cup of this would definitely help.

A common one you’d find in most office pantries would be the OSK brand and with good reason too. It comes all the way from the country that popularised green tea, Japan, and is easily found in most supermarkets or grocery stores. It’s also 100% natural with no preservatives so you get the authentic taste of the beverage in every sachet.

6) Pristine (Fruit & Nut)

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Dried fruits and nuts have been proven countless times to be good for the body. It’s always a good idea to have these stored somewhere in the pantry for those times when you want a quick munch in-between meals.

Pristine has a wide range of Prebiotic snacks that have a mixture of fruits and nuts to give you assorted flavours, just for variety’s sake.

7) Tong Garden (Nuts)

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For those go-to snacks when it’s in the middle of the day and you’re waiting for lunch time, nuts are a good source of nutrients to have. Almonds in particular are said to assist with blood sugar control, blood pressure levels, lower cholesterol level, lowering your calorie intake and reduce hunger to promote weight loss.

The Tong Garden range gives you a wide range to choose from with different types of nuts and some of them sprinkled with certain flavourings too.

8) VSoy Soy Milk

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A good alternative for regular milk is soy milk as it contains the same benefits such as preventing osteoporosis and strengthens your body’s blood vessels. Unlike milk which has a high content of saturated fat and cholesterol, soy milk can improve your blood lipid profile is mostly unsaturated with zero cholesterol.

Originating from Thailand, V-Soy is a good option to have as they are made from selected Canadian whole soybeans with a rich taste and high nutritional value.

9) Fruits

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Okay, we’re sort of cheating with this one since fruits don’t really have brands. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a variety of these stored somewhere in your pantry or fridge. Fruits are the best sources for a variety of vitamins and minerals that can benefit your body greatly if consumed on a daily basis.

The best thing about them is you’re not restricted in terms of how you can eat them. Juices, smoothies, oatmeals, and toast are just some examples of meals you can make with these fruits so you won’t feel bored having them while also providing enough energy for you to last throughout the day in the office.

So these are the 9 brands you should see in your office pantry. If you don’t, perhaps it’s time to make a suggestion to your bosses for healthier options. Healthier snacks does lead to healthier employees in the long run, so they can’t really complain.

Let us know what your favourite healthy snack brand is in the office! 

This article was written in collaboration with Supplycart. Supplycart offers convenience to get everything you need for your office at the comfort of your desk. Choose everything you need for your workspace ranging from pantry to stationery supplies with their personalised packages, catering to different types of companies’ needs.

Feature Image Credit: Compiled from and


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