By now, you’re probably aware that it’s the age of AI, and you’ll find AI being used in various different industries.
We’ve heard of AI being used in healthcare and medicine, education, marketing—you name it, and it most likely exists.
They’re even present in job-searching platforms nowadays, and while Malaysia still lags behind a little on the uptake of such technology within that industry, we definitely have a few that are worth highlighting.
Here are 4 of them and how exactly they’re using AI to match talents and employers, along with a bonus job-searching platform right at the end (since it has yet to actually be launched).
1. adnexio
Near the end of last year, ex-PKR vice president Rafizi Ramli announced his retirement from politics to focus on his job portal startup that utilises AI in its operations.
That AI powered job portal is called adnexio, and it was launched in 2018 after he found that SMEs faced difficulties in hiring the people they needed, while talents lacked information about the job market and required help to make themselves marketable.
The AI on the platform is called NEX, and she identifies qualities that employers look for by evaluating a candidate’s education, job experience, skills, and personality, and uses this data to match talents to available jobs, thus eliminating 80% of the recruitment process.

When you sign up on adnexio, NEX will put you through an engaging personality test and then a video interview, after which she will generate a performance report so you can see how you rank against the average talent.
When her matching goes well and a candidate gets hired, NEX will use the data to further develop her ability to match up the right talents with the right employers.
We actually tried out the process ourselves, and found that it was a very different and interesting process from your regular job application process on other job portals.
2. Skillstreet
If you’re a data scientist, data analyst, data engineer, or are looking for a career in any of those roles, there’s an upcoming AI powered job portal that’s catered to you.
Called Skillstreet, it pre-launched on January 29, 2020, but plans to launch its first proper phase in March 2020.
It is a product from The Centre of Applied Data Science (CADS) that aims to help fill the talent gap in the data industry.
According to its website, the 3 advantages that talents will get from using Skillstreet is:
- They’ll get a skills assessment through Talentspy, an AI powered skills assessment tool to evaluate skills and knowledge for optimal job performance,
- Job matching through an AI powered engine that looks at actual profiles and determines role compatibility with organisations,
- Course recommendations to identify skill gaps and that provide up-skilling recommendations based on learning paths designed for data analytics and AI professionals.
Furthermore, Skillstreet states that data professionals who sign up on their platform are recognised based on actual skills and knowledge, thus providing a seamless experience in job matching, with no job search even required.
If you’re interested in staying up to date with the development of Skillstreet, you can pre-register as a talent here.
3. SlingApp
You may know SlingApp as the Tinder for job-hunting, where you create your simple profile and swipe right on jobs you’re interested in and left on those that you’re not.
This already sort of sped up the general job applying process, but in 2018, the app introduced 2 new features, the Auto-Interviu and Smart Filter.
Auto-Interviu utilises AI to extract specific details from applicants relating to the criteria of the job they’re applying for, in only 5 questions, all set by the employer.
When an employer posts a job, Smart Filter will match applicants to it, and the SlingApp AI will interview them automatically via the chat message function in the app.
Once the questions have been answered, their profiles and answers will be emailed to the employers immediately.
This enables job seekers to apply for more jobs in a short period of time because it cuts down on the need to fill up unnecessary details and you’ll only have to focus on the questions that the employers ask via Auto-Interviu.
If you match the job requirement, you’ll also be interviewed immediately so it reduces the waiting time of talents and employers reaching out to each other.
Did you know that WOBB actually has its own AI feature as well? Depending on which employers you’ve checked out on the site, you may or may not have come across it.
It’s called Aivi (Artificially Intelligent Virtual Interviewer), and it was developed with the aim of solving some common, time-consuming problems employers faced during the initial screening of applicants like getting individuals who have irrelevant skill sets or job interview no-shows.
What it’s also meant to do is to screen whether or not an applicant is truly interested in the job.
Through the responses gathered through Aivi’s questioning, employers can review an applicant’s answers and assess the suitability as well as the interest level of the applicant.
WOBB’s founder, Derek Toh, told Vulcan Post, “[Aivi] is especially useful if these questions help uncover information that is not commonly included in the CV.”
Furthermore, he said that Aivi could also help employers discover other vital information about the candidate such as why they left their previous job, and their level of interest in and knowledge of the company.
If you’re applying for jobs on WOBB, you’ll only come across Aivi if the employer you’re looking at has purchased Virtual Interviewer tokens (1 will activate up to 50 virtual interviews).
There’s actually another upcoming AI powered job portal, according to Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, who announced this back in March 2019.
The portal is to be known as skills passport and would match job seekers’ criteria with related organisations in the market straight away.
This is part of the government’s bid to solve the problem of unemployment amongst youths in Malaysia, as it will be a portal that’s compatible with the work ecosystem.
Little else has been revealed about the job portal and exactly how it would utilise AI thus far, and there has been no further news on its development since the initial announcement of it.
Hopefully, it is still an idea that is being developed, and one that will soon be manifested into a reality.
- You can read more about what else we’ve written on job hunting here.