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The Forces Driving the Continued Rise in Mobile Gaming

As we move further into a new decade, it is becoming increasingly clear that the world of mobile gaming is nowhere near ready to slow down or fade from grace. It has been a substantial journey since the primitive days of Snake and Space Invaders, but the developers working tirelessly to attract the attention of innumerable phone users logging into app stores each day are far from the point of calling it quits.

But, given the unrivalled power and speed of dedicated consoles, like the new Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5, and the versatility of PC gaming, why do we continue to prize our relatively small and limited phones as one of the best gaming platforms out there? Read more below.

Cross-Platform Fluidity

The gaming world is no longer divided between a long list of platforms; significant strides forward in our ability to transfer gameplay onto our phones, and to transfer it back onto our PCs or gaming consoles at the end of each day have been made, particularly in recent years, to ensure that the mobile does not represent an isolated medium for developers, or for the gamers themselves.

In one camp, we have games that have been intentionally designed for a fluid transition from PC to mobile. Sites like CasinoPro Canada, for instance, showcase leading digital casinos – many of which have perfected the mechanics of their gaming libraries to ensure that nothing is lost in the transition from one platform to another.

In the other camp, we have seen the world of SaaS (Streaming as a Service) embracing the gaming industry with both arms. Since mid-2020, for example, Microsoft have been paving the way for the latest feature to hit Xbox Games Pass – Cloud Gaming. This addition allows gamers to play their favourite titles to any given point, and then pick up on that progress without any shortfalls on their mobile devices as they are on the go.

Together, both enable the world of mobile gaming to continue to evolve alongside the wider industry, and to ensure it grows ever more relevant to AAA game development, and the players themselves.

Better Hardware

Very few industries can boast the same speed of development as tech. On the consumer side, each year – and, at the best of times, each month – brings seismic new developments that transform every area of life, and the technology we have already utilised to improve them.

This notion is particularly strong in the world of cell phones – arguably the most lucrative arm consumer tech can wave at us. With over 5.2 billion users dotted around the world, it makes sense that each year brings new models with which to tempt us and our wallets.

But, as progress continues, the consumers themselves are growing more discerning. No longer will they be quite so tempted by devices that offer only a small benefit over those they already carry in their pockets; developers need to usher in genuine improvement.

And, from the industry’s longest serving giants like Apple and Samsung, to relative newcomers like realme, that is exactly what they are doing. From 5G capabilities to improved battery life and GPUs boasting a level of power that, just a few short years ago, would have been unimaginable, we are never more than a few weeks’ wait away from a new announcement, leak, or product launch that once again stirs up the sands, and makes us hungry to pursue the latest improvements. 

All these factors together ensure that the mobile gaming world will remain a healthy battleground for competitors, and that mobile gamers will always be able to find an excellent title to tune into.

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