Vulcan Post

Vulcan Post Writers Share Their Apps Of The Year 2014!

We all love apps. Perhaps you’re a simple smartphone or tablet user that uses a small handful, or a serial app user like me, always excited to try and experiment the next thing. Nonetheless, we all use apps in different ways, and love them in different ways. And as you can see from our Apps I Live By column, the apps we use reveal a lot about who we are and how we live our lives.

To wrap up this end of the year, I asked the Vulcan Post writers about the app they said defined 2014 for them.

Amy – Twilight

“I’ve been using flux on my laptop since forever and having an app that does the same thing on my phone is just amazing. Flux filters the blue light in my phone and makes it a lot less glaring in the dark. This is especially helpful for nighttime reading.”

Sarah – T2Expense

“I’ve been using it throughout the year to manage my income and expenses. It’s extremely helpful to monitor which categories I’ve spent the most on and how much I’ve saved every month. My only regret is that I didn’t back the data up and I lost all data when my phone died. I’ve been avoiding the app update for some time because its user interface is really bad after their latest update. Now I’m on the lookout for a new expense app for 2015!”

Jean – Nike +

“I could not find any gym near my house after I returned to my hometown, so I stopped working out. Then my cousin who was training for a marathon asked me to run with her along the beach. That is how I got to know about Nike +. This app acts like a personal trainer, showing me how to get the most out of my workout. It has encouraged me to run more, and keeps me in good shape!”

Gayle – Pinterest

“2014 has been a major year for me – I got hitched and crossed the threshold from a Miss to a Mrs. I was already using Pinterest back in its beta stage, but this year was when Pinterest became a big part of my life, in the wedding planning process of course! You can literally get inspiration for rings, gowns, wedding decor, photoshoots and the list goes on and on. Even if you are not getting married anytime soon, you might just be tempted to start pinning… for some of you ladies might have already been planning your dream wedding since young!”

Priscilla – Book Riot

“It’s a must-have app for book junkies. And since I own a book blog, it keeps me in the loop in the bookish world. Listening to the podcast makes doing household chores less boring.”

Yan Ting – Carousell

“Online shopping + Saving the Earth. Consumerism, minus the guilt.”

Insyirah – Carousell

“It started out at NUS where I could sell my old textbooks but has recently expanded to a bigger audience now. I really loved it because I could get good deals on a variety of stuff. I managed to get tickets to the Brazil vs Japan match at the very last minute. The funkiest thing I got off Carousell was a spiralizer for vegetables for about $15 which was a really good deal considering the retail price is $45 or higher.

I saved a lot of money thanks to Carousell and to me, it is definitely the app of 2014 for me. :)”

Dawn – 8Tracks

“Its more than just listening to music. It’s literally handmade music. You can almost feel the emotions the playlist owner had when he/she was creating it!”

Jacky – Spotify

“Music is a big part of my life and Spotify allows me to discover new music and listen to them on the go. No more manual downloads of songs!”

Liang Hwei – Monument Valley

“I love a beautifully designed app, and this game is built on beautiful and meaningful design. Expanding on the foundations of geometry, this game challenges the way you think about problems and solutions, and creates a fascinating world that excited and inspires. I don’t play many games, but this is easily my app of the year.”


What was your app of 2014?

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