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This is a weekend series on Vulcan Post where we highlight to you some of the videos you should definitely watch. If you’d like to suggest any videos, please drop us a comment below or email us at team@vulcanpost.com.

Singapore, are you ok? According to OWL International Pte Ltd, we are.

From the people who brought us this hilarious Chinese New Year video, they have now made a song commemorating Singapore’s 49th birthday, to remind Singaporeans to ‘relack’ a bit and just appreciate our Singaporean-ness because thankfully, we’re still ok.

1. Singapore We Are Ok!

This song is definitely in true National Day style of being cheesy and cutesy, possibly doing better than just filling the deep void left by a lack of a 2014 National Day song (because seriously, who remembers 2013’s?enablejsapi=1&html5=1&) My only qualm is that they make it seem like the only two things that make us Singaporean are our use of Singlish and our love of food.

So to help stir up the patriotic feelings that you’ve probably tucked away deep inside, we’re starting off our list of viral videos in NDP Week with Singapore We’re Okay.

2. You Know You’re Singaporean When…

The adorable Potato Tree team does it again. It’s easy to overlook things we do that are uniquely Singaporean, but with this video you can easily pick out hilarious little things we do and realize that, somehow, we do feel proud of our quirks.

3. Americans Try Singaporean Snacks

The reason why we picked this video is because some of us are so immersed in enjoying western culture that we sometimes forget that we are still very, very Asian. For all we know, you may be reading this while eating some squid flavoured crackers or haw flakes.

4. Anyone ordered a Missile?enablejsapi=1&html5=1&

Get ready for a classic blast to the past! This Navy advertisement takes a lighter approach to entice youth to sign up for the navy, by showing you pretty much how a day of working in Singapore is like.  You’ve got to love the jab at our obsession about forms, and the guy that says ‘I want to complain!”

5. The Worker’s Party National Day Video 2014

Now this video comes from an unexpected source, but its message is as sweet as ice kachang. Yes, there are many things in Singapore that we may not like or enjoy, but ultimately it will always be home. And no matter where we go in the world, we’ll always miss home like a plate of hawker centre chicken rice.

6. Home by The Sam Willows

This is definitely a different tone from the rest of our videos, but it is nonetheless uniquely Singaporean. Local band The Sam Willows takes a twist on the Singapore Spirit, slowing down our characteristically fast speed with a soothing and melodic acoustic version of Home. Without the distraction of cheesy patriotic videography, it is much easier to listen to the words and understand what it means to appreciate home, which for Singaporeans everywhere, is what National Day is all about.

So as much as we love to complain about it, let’s take this day to embrace the red and white, and count our lucky stars (and moon).

Happy Birthday, Singapore!

Categories: Videos, Entertainment

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