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We’re more accustomed to weddings as a grand affair. The banquet, the venue, the dress, the reception, cocktails, the entree, the buffet, the personalised door gift, the pre-wedding photoshoot — the headache. There’s a lot of talk about how getting married in Singapore is not cheap, and with sites like Pinterest only adding to the high expectations of how it would be like to tie the knot, not to mention the high costs of housing, it’s something a lot of people thinking of getting married would not like to worry about.

Scale back a little, go back a couple of years — the year is 1969 and there is a wedding, or four actually, happening simultaneously. Thing is, it’s a multiracial one and how simple it is will make you change your mind about lavish wedding receptions. This black-and-white footage of a mass wedding, courtesy of AP Archives, shows how uncomplicated and fuss-free a wedding can be, while still keeping it smart and classy. Ah, the 60’s.

Anyone having a mass multiracial wedding soon? Remember to invite us!

And if you do have old, classic videos from yesteryear in your collection, do share it with us at Vulcan Post.

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