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Just when we thought we are seeing the end of Cyber Monday’s fever, which was fueled by Amazon and other major e commerce players such  as Walmart and Target, a big shopping season for Christmas is now ongoing, both in the Western world as well as here in Taiwan.

An online shopping website called ASAP has just announced a 5-hour delivery service in Taipei City every day, including weekends, to respond to its major rival – PChome Shopping’s recent move to match its earlier service of 6-hour delivery.


(Source: ASAP)

Earlier in November, e commerce store ASAP rolled out its newest 6 hour delivery service in Taipei City to ensure that customers could order online in the morning and receive the goods in the afternoon without ever getting out of their home or offices. This was almost unheard of in the history of Taiwan’s e commerce.

As a newly founded platform under the Uitox Corporation, ASAP’s debut effectively declared an e commerce war against Taiwan’s leading e commerce website PChome Shopping, which provided 24-hour delivery around the island then.

What’s also worth noting is that the founder of Uitox Corporaiton, Hsieh Chen-Feng, is once the COO at PChome, with extensive experience in logistics and e-commence. Similar to how ASAP branded and positioned itself, it aims to be the e commerce platform which can provide the fastest delivery to its customers. This has worked out well among fashion savvy customers and as a result to that branding, sales has soared for ASAP.

pchome taiwanPChome

In response to ASAP, earlier last week, PChome Shopping announced that for all customers who experienced late delivery, the company would give out NT100 worth of shopping coupons to affected customers. Two days following the announcement, ASAP showed its aggression by shortening its original delivery from 6 hours to 5 hours, and likewise, promises 100 shopping points (worth NT100) for late delivery.

ASAP once again claimed the title of the fastest delivery in Taipei City, but no one knows how long it’s gonna last. Customers benefit a lot from the war, and tension throughout the online shopping market is getting higher and higher at the moment.

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