Vulcan Post

How Entrepreneur Jacob Laukaitis Dumped The 9-5 To Live A Life Of A Digital Nomad

Image Credit: Jacob Laukaitis Instagram page

Imagine a life where you could lead the life of a nomad, roaming through cities and enjoying an independent lifestyle, all with the added advantage of having an Internet connection so you could still get some work in. That is the life that online entrepreneur Jacob Laukaitis has been leading ever since he finished his secondary school education.

Such a standard of living is becoming all the more common these days, especially since Gen Y’s are revolutionising the 9-5 work culture. Being innovative and starting out their own businesses at a young age may also be a contributing factor, as these entrepreneurs have the added advantage and the upper hand of already knowing the ins and outs of the industry.

Image Credit: Jacob Laukaitis Instagram page
Image Credit: Jacob Laukaitis Instagram page

Therefore, they can have more flexibility in the way they work and no longer do they have to subscribe to the rigid and prefixed work culture of yesteryears.

Likewise, Jacob launched his first business at the tender age of 15 where most are still figuring out what their life ambitions are. As such, he leads a flexible work culture with, an online coupons company that he co-founded alongside two business partners.

Business Away From Home

Being a digital nomad and an entrepreneur at the same time may not sound ideal as what would happen with the business whilst the main man is away? Jacob insists though that everything can still be done as long as he has his computer and Wi-Fi connection, thus physical location does not restrict him.

Image Credit: Jacob Laukaitis Instagram page

“A few years ago I decided to focus on location independent online businesses that are profitable as soon as possible, hopefully on the first day itself. This allows me to go anywhere anytime I want to,” said Jacob.

To date, is growing at a rapid pace and as such, the annual team getaways that Jacob organises for his team is very much well-deserved. Along with his employees, Jacob has been to places like Thailand and Bali for up to a month.

Even whilst being away for an extended period of time, Jacob told Vulcan Post that the way he finds the focus and drive when working whilst traveling, is to put work as his first priority, and it helps that he is also a workaholic by nature as well.

Life Constantly On-The-Go

Surely, with such a lifestyle though, boredom or loneliness would eventually set in at some point. That is not the case for Jacob, for he believes that being a digital nomad is the best thing ever and he would never trade this lifestyle for anything, and does not find his lifestyle tough at all.

Image Credit: Jacob Laukaitis Instagram page

Jacob notes that he could even see himself doing this years from now. “Obviously I don’t have a lot of stability and I only have one small backpack to fit all of my stuff in. But I consider that an advantage, not a disadvantage,” he said.

He does not miss routine, as at the end of the day, he knows that if he does crave it, he could always create one at any time, wherever he may be. As such, he does not feel lonely or that he is missing out on anything at all.

“I mean this freedom that one gets can solve all problems. If you feel lonely and want to live close to your friends, you can do just that. If you want more stability, you can still get it by being based in one location, wherever that is. But nobody tells you where and when you need to be at any time,” said Jacob.

The Experience Of A Lifetime

Image Credit: Jacob Laukaitis Instagram page

What he has learnt and realised from his experience is that the world is a very big and interesting place. Working with so many people from various backgrounds and upbringings, he has picked up from them the knowledge that there is no ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in this world, and all his experience has shaped him to be the man he is today.

Of all the places that he has had the privilege to visit thus far, Jacob told Vulcan Post, “Asia is definitely my favourite continent, especially Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia. I also like to spend time in Malaysia, since people there are so nice.”

It is a plus that Jacob leads the lifestyle that he does, because that means that he has an unlimited amount of time to explore. As the saying by Oscar Wilde goes, “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”

Image Credit: Jacob Laukaitis Instagram page

To Jacob though, he is not merely existing, for he is traversing the globe and learning new things every single day. He is just happy that he is given this chance to ignite the passion in others, with his lifestyle.

“I’m super happy doing what I want to do, and I’m also happy that I managed to inspire quite a few people to become digital nomads with my articles in the media,” he said.

Follow Jacob in his adventures on Facebook, or through his digital nomad newsletter.

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