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Award winner Avril Lavigne will be back in Singapore to organize her long awaited concert on 15th February 2014!

In case you are looking to win some free tickets, music streaming site Deezer is giving you the chance to win a pair of tickets to catch her live in Singapore.

All you have to do is play a simple music quiz and guess the title of 8 of her songs correctly.

avril lavigne

Here’s how: First, head over to the Deezer campaign page

avril lavigne deezer

Start guessing the quiz and who knows, you might just walk away with complimentary tickets, if you prove yourself to be a worthy fan of Avril Lavigne.

Music streaming site Deezer has been active in its marketing activities in Singapore. Earlier in December, the company announced that it has partnered with Singapore mobile service provider M1, to provide its post paid users unlimited Premium+ access to Deezer’s music library at a special rate of S$5.99 per month. The usual fee for unlimited music streaming on Deezer is at S$9.90.


Now, the company is partnering with Midas Promotion, the company in organizing Avril’s concert to reach out to more music enthusiasts in Singapore.

Fans in Singapore can definitely look forward to an exciting evening of Avril’s gutsy, in-your-face rock numbers and her high octane performance at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on the 15th of February, a day after the Valentines Day.

Perhaps if you are looking for a present for your girlfriend, a pair of ticket to Avril’s concert might just do the trick this year.

Also read: Looking to spice up your 2014 Valentine’s Day? These tech tools might help

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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