Siblings bicker and taunt each other regardless of their age. Sure, this may decrease as they get older, but it is just a sibling code to do so. It does not mean that love is not present, for at times this is the way that siblings show love to one another. Rest assured though, if something were to hurt their brother or sister, they would go out of their way to be the one to stand between the gap.
It is also an unspoken code between siblings to share a similar mindset. Though not all siblings go down the same occupational route in life, there are those who are so in sync with one another that they not only work in the same industry, but also choose to work with one another in the same company.
It takes a lot out of one to work with someone they have known their entire life, what more someone whom they know so well. It has been said time and time before that the ones who know each other the most would have the most things to bicker about.
However, these 7 Malaysian siblings managed to make it work for they chose to put indifferences aside, and to dominate their own businesses, be it separately or even starting something solid together.
1. Bryan Loo and Ryan Loo

Bryan Loo is a name which many would find synonymous with the much loved boba tea brand, Chatime. The Emerging Entrepreneur Of The Year 2013 award winner had always dreamt of running a business, hence it was only apt that he wound up being the man behind the brand.
Brother Ryan Loo, on the other hand also has entrepreneurial blood in his veins as he and friend Vincent Tan run the Container Hotel Group. Container Hotel Group which is located in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, is essentially a hotel created with the current generation in mind for it boasts an architecture which is unique and modern at the same time.
2. Vincent Tong and Henry Tong
They share more than just the title of brotherhood for it seems like looks are one thing that both Vincent and Henry has been able to share all their life. The pair of twins are the masterminds behind several Malaysian startups, which include,, and and their entities has been recipients of several awards inclusive of Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2015 and The Golden Eagle Award 2015.
Printcious is a place where DIY gifts are possible and the name of the startup is derived from the combination of the words, “printing and precious”. By using heat transfer printing technology, Printcious is able to print gifts ranging from puzzles, mugs, t-shirts and phone cases, among other things.
3. Naysan Munusamy and Mylini Munusamy
Naysan Munusamy is one who has got business in his blood for he is the man behind startups like pitchIN, and is also the co-founder of MoneyMatch and MakanSharing. MakanSharing is a startup which he founded alongside sister Mylini whereby he acts as the director and co-founder whilst Mylini is the managing director and co-founder.
MakanSharing is a place where budding chefs who may not have had the opportunity to open their very own brick and mortar outlet can hone their cooking skills by cooking for others through MakanSharing’s MakanEvents and MakanAways. It is a way that chefs can earn money on the side; and for foodies, it is a portal where they could discover meals which are different from what is available in the market these days.
4. Syakirin Rosik and Athirah Rosik
Both sisters have a sweet disposition about them and are always seen smiling and they work their joyful demeanour into the way they work around their startup Thrift On Wheels.
Thrift On Wheels is a mobile fashion boutique and a place where people can donate their preloved books, clothes, fashion accessories, handbags and shoes for others to purchase.
5. Choong Kar Heng and Choong Kar Wai
Coffee is perhaps the beverage of choice for brothers Kar Wai and Kar Heng. They are after all the duo behind café spots like CoffeeSociété, Garage 51 and Underground Société. All cafés are situated within the Petaling Jaya region and boasts a cosy and rustic ambience and good food.
Underground Société was also where Vulcan Post had our community-based event, The Tipping Point #2!
6. John-Hans Oei, John-Ian Oei, and John-Son Oei
These brothers went through hardships in life but due to maternal love and their tenacity in life, they went on to become entrepreneurs of their own right and have companies which benefits the society. For instance, John-Hans and John-Ian are both the owners of Microbs, which is an environmentally-friendly waste management provider. Besides that, John-Hans is also the co-founder of Malaysia Powerlifting Alliance, which is an organisation created with powerlifters in mind.
John-Son on the other hand made it into the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list for Social Entrepreneurs and is the man behind Epic Homes. Epic Homes is an entity which builds homes for the underprivileged local community. Now that’s a power trio!
7. Fitri Othman, Ridzuan Othman, Fadhil Othman, and Firhan Othman
Perhaps working with one sibling alone is tough enough, imagine working with 3 others? This is a daily thing which the 4 brothers behind TaniMac face. TaniMac is a startup built with local farmers in mind for they the lads utilise their skills to help the agricultural business of Malaysia.
The brothers own skills in engineering, industrial design and agriculture and it was only apt that they put their expertise together to form an entity that they could call their own.
Of course, there are so many more other siblings out there who are sharing the entrepreneurship spirit, let us know who else deserves a mention!