If 11 November (11.11) is the day for singles, then 14 February is the day for couples, and with it comes a whole slew of shopping opportunities. Valentine’s Day in Singapore is not something to be trifled with, and we have the stats to prove it.
In February 2015, a Groupon survey done on 20,694 of its global subscribers found that Singaporeans are among the top 3 spenders for Valentine’s Day, with 1 in 3 willing to spend more than S$135 for the occasion. A 2016 Mastercard survey reflects a persisting trend, with Singaporeans again coming out in 3rd position, only this time, participants were willing to spend S$263.
That’s a lot of money, and apparently, most of it is channelled towards experiences, rather than the conventional dinners and flowers. So, we took the liberty of compiling a list of unconventionally interesting Valentine’s gifts that you and your partner will enjoy.
1. Be My (Foodie) Valentine

Valentine’s Day tends to be rather headache-inducing when it comes to making restaurant reservations. Booking last minute can burn a veritable hole in your budget, or end up with dinner at a fast food restaurant.
A site for restaurant reservations, Chope, hosts restaurants featuring a tasteful myriad of cuisines, not just in Singapore, but also Phuket, Bali, Bangkok and more. Talk about a truly international dining experience!
And you can even start making your reservations now – air tickets not included.
2. Be My (Fitness) Valentine

GuavaPass is a startup that connects you to gyms and fitness studios all over the world. For the couple afraid that all the Valentine’s chocolates would add a few more pounds, or for those who enjoy working out together, this is the gift for you.
The great thing about GuavaPass is that discounting their worldwide networks, they also have studios in almost every corner of Singapore, so finding a place to workout has never been easier. The second great thing about the GuavaPass is that it helps you shed all those chocolate pounds, as well as give you that healthy glow.
3. Be My (Beauty) Valentine

All the chocolates and dining out might not be good for the skin, so after a decadent meal, or even as a post-workout downtime for the both of you, how about a facial? And I don’t mean one of those animal print masks either. No, I’m talking more about a decadent experience to share with your partner.
The Amaris B. Clinic features several skin treatments for both males and females.
Dead skin build up is a common problem. Also, do you know that a woman’s collagen is reportedly less dense than that of a man’s, which means a woman’s skin is roughly about 15 years older than a man’s of the same age?
Medical Grade Skin Peel Treatment reduces dead skin and improves skin’s clarity while dermabrasion helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and even acne scars. It acts by removing the top most layer of dead skin cells while promoting collagen growth at the same time. A treatment with no downtime is the Spectra Laser. Utilising powerful laser technology that’s gentle on the skin, this treatment is able to stimulate and promote the growth of collagen. It reduces excessive sebum production, improving discolouration, reducing pore size and more.
With these non-invasive medical aesthetics beauty treatments, both of you can strip the years off your face.
4. Be My (Adventure) Valentine

Put a healthy adventure spin on Valentine’s with BeMyGuest.
The platform curates a mind-boggling array of activities for anyone looking for a day of action and fun. Rather than the conventional dinner and flowers, take your date out to the Adventure Cove Waterpark, werk it together in a twerking class, or even learn how to snowboard!
The fun part about BeMyGuest is that it doesn’t just cover Singapore, but more than 800 destinations from Budapest, Hungary to Tokyo, Japan.
Exercise and eating right can give you that special glow for Valentine’s, and for that extra boost of radiance, here comes gift no. 5.
5. Be My (Body Makeover) Valentine

For a more luxurious experience, you and your partner can also consider signing up for medical aesthetic treatments, something that would revamp your whole outlook so that you and your partner can become the people you want to be together.
A good option for ladies to consider, if you’re not the GuavaPass type of person, but are the type to worry about what all the holiday snacking will do to your body is Amaris B. signature fat reduction and body contouring treatment: Vaser Liposelection (VASERlipo). This is the latest minimally invasive body sculpting procedure, which utilises the most advanced ultrasonic technology to melt away and remove unwanted fat cells in while leaving important connective tissues largely undisturbed.
VASERlipo allows a very thorough removal of fat cells and results in better skin contracture post-treatment. There is minimal downtime and patients can resume daily activities after a day or two’s rest. .
Guys, want to impress your lady with flat washboard abs? Here’s a popular treatment sought-after by gym goers – Vaser Hi-Def Lipo, which removes the deep and superficial fat that “blocks” the detail of the underlying tissue. This 3-dimensional body sculpting treatment is designed to sculpt rather than de-bulk and therefore, giving muscles more pronounced definition.
This is a more advanced body sculpting and requires an experienced and qualified body-sculpting doctor with well-trained hands and artful eyes to achieve a desirable result.
Re-inventing Valentine’s Day
We may have grown up with the ideas that Valentine’s is all about the candy and flowers, but how many different combinations of that can you come up with, without it coming off as too boring?
Start getting creative this year, and who knows, amongst all our suggestions, you might even get to tick off some New Year Resolutions as well!
This article was done in collaboration with Amaris B. Clinic.
Featured Image Credit: huffingtonpost