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Singtel today announced plans to set aside $45 million over the next three years to equip employees with deeper digital skills.

The telco has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore (UTES) to form a committee to oversee the project and organise its training programmes.

The initiative is coined ACT, short for Accelerate, Co-create and Transform.

Through its investment, Singtel aims to help its 12,600 employees in Singapore go further in their skill pathways, or grow to take on new roles to adapt to changing needs in the digital economy.

Singtel’s network engineers, for example, can go through a ‘4G to 5G Pathways’ course that will prepare them with suitable skills for the arrival of 5G connectivity in Singapore next year.

This announcement came along with the official opening of the telco’s newest office Singtel@8George on the same day.

The four-storey office located along Pickering Street contains training facilities and classrooms that will hold some of the ACT workshops and courses.

The space will also be able to host team building activities, townhalls and hackathons.

Singtel Group Chief Human Resources Officer Aileen Tan said the training initiative aims to spur employees toward continuous learning, and help them “actively manage their professional development in anticipation of longer career spans”.

“This will ensure we have an agile, future-ready workforce that can meet the demands of the new economy,” she added.

Features Image Credit: Asia Nikkei

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