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Singapore looks to fulfil its commitment to making carbon emissions 36% lower by 2030, from previous levels in 2005.

To help achieve this, the National Environment Agency (NEA) and Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) are jointly setting up an Energy Efficiency Technology Centre (EETC) by the end of 2019.

The centre, which will cost $5 million to be built inside SIT, is aimed at supporting SMEs to make their own push for less energy wastage.

“SMEs typically lack the capabilities and resources to identify and implement energy efficiency improvement measures,” NEA said.

Through the new centre, SMEs can get a diagnosis of their energy performance and receive recommendations on areas that need improvement.

NEA will then work with the companies to implement these recommendations, tapping on the agency’s Energy Efficiency Fund (E2F).

Participating companies can also send their engineers and energy efficiency practitioners to take part in training to upgrade their skills.

Beyond current professionals, EETC will extend their training to SIT undergraduates in “relevant engineering programmes” as well.

Students will learn how to perform energy assessments for real industry facilities, with guidance technical support from the EETC’s professional staff.

According to NEA, the EETC will provide professional grade energy assessments to SMEs “at a low cost”. Currently, the first 20 participating SMEs can enjoy a promotional rate of $1,000 per energy assessment.

The agency also announced that it’s planning to launch a new grant to help Singapore companies digitise their energy management systems.

Energy management information systems (EMIS) can help companies more accurately monitor and analyse their energy usage using real-time data, to identify performance gaps in a timely manner, as well as opportunities for continual performance improvement.

The grant will provide co-funding support for companies to install these systems. More details will be released on a later date.

Featured Image Credit: The Honeycombers

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