Vaccine Singapore
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Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a Covid-19 broadcast on Monday (May 31) that do-it-yourself (DIY) test kits will soon be available for purchase at pharmacies in Singapore.

Unlike nasal and throat swabs, the DIY test kit does not require assistance from swabbers or medical professionals, and Singaporeans can administer the test to themselves at home.

The kits will be the latest in Singapore’s variety of coronavirus testing options, which include swab tests like the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test and the antigen rapid tests (ART)

“They are simple to use, and not so uncomfortable. You can administer these on your own,” he said.

“These alternatives to PCR tests help us detect and isolate persons quickly when they are most infectious. This will be a big help in slowing down the spread of Covid-19. As the virus mutates to become more transmissible, we must respond by testing more widely.”

This is “not only test to identify infections when a new case pops up, but to routinely and regularly test people who appear well,” said PM Lee.

This includes medical staff and frontline workers, educators, gym and fitness instructors and those living in migrant worker dormitories.

He added that Covid-19 restrictions should be relaxed after June 13 if all goes well. In the meantime, he called on everyone to keep up their efforts, remain vigilant, work from home if possible, and go out only if necessary.

He urged those who are unwell should see a doctor immediately, even if they have been vaccinated. 

Featured Image Credit: Raffles Medical Group

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