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It’s always a complex issue when you have an older phone. When it lags, you have a strong urge to throw it against the wall. Conversations between your friends are the worse as they go along the lines of the latest gadgets and features which will make you feel left out. It sometimes stinks, doesn’t it?

iPhone 4 users might want to sit down because this piece of news is just plain disappointing. Apple’s recent announcement on iOS 8 proves Coursera’s latest sentiment about how “mobile devices are at the forefront of the digital industry.” Unsurprisingly enough, the latest software iOS8 offers a lot of cool and incredible features. One example is “HomeKit”, a brand new software that allows people to control household objects just by using their mobile device.

But, here’s the downfall.

Image credit: Gizmodo
Image credit: Gizmodo

It appears that iPhone 4 users won’t get to experience the upgrade. Instead, they have to make do with iOS 7.

Also read: Shortly after Facebook opens an office in Indonesia, Apple follows suit

And iPhone 4S users, I wouldn’t be relieved if I were you. Given iOS 7’s track record (it performs poorly on older iPhones), there’s bound to get really laggy running iOS 8 on a 4S.

When Apple CEO Tim Cook was giving a presentation at WWDC (The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference), he revealed that there are 98 percent of Apple users who are on iOS 7, while only 9 percent of Android users are using the latest KitKat OS release. He even further talked about how most viruses and malwares are in Android apps, not iOS apps. As an Android user myself, it certainly made me horrified just reading this.

Image credit: TechSupportPK
Image credit: TechSupportPK

Founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple Inc. is an multinational corporation that specialises in computers, electronics, and software products. It is best known for its Mac computers, iPhone smartphones, and iPad tablet computers.

Hop on over to this post to find out more about the nuts and bolts of iOS8.

Are you an iPhone 4 user? If so, are you going to replace it for a newer model?

Also read: iPhoto For iOS is incredible for Photo-Editing. Here’s why.

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