In this article

This article was originally published on Vulcan Post.

Facebook and Instagram have both gone down at the same time, to the ire of people everywhere.

It’s not known why they have gone down, but since Instagram is under Facebook’s control, it is possible that Facebook’s main server has gone down.

Facebook has yet to comment on the downtime, but it seems someone else has something to say about it.

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Lizard Squad, who was also responsible for the hacking of Malaysian Airline’s website just yesterday, apparently joked about taking down the website just last year, but said that it would be tough, since “Facebook have a large infrastructure that can sustain the largest cyber attacks,” Lizard Squad answered.

Meanwhile, everyone has flocked to Twitter to either share their dismay or a little bit of humour.


Facebook has released a statement, saying, “We’re aware that many people are currently having trouble accessing Facebook and Instagram. We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible.”

Hopefully this will be soon, as people are panicking in the absence of their favourite social media site.

UPDATE: Lizard Squad has updated their twitter, stating that there is “more to come soon”. Looks like Malaysian Airlines isn’t off the hook yet.

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UPDATE 3:09pm. Seems that Facebook and Instagram are both back on.

UPDATE 3:19pm. Facebook was down for approximately 45 minutes, during which #Facebookdown started trending worldwide on Twitter.

Facebook down twitter

Other hashtags have also begun trending on Twitter:

  • #ThingsIDidWhenFacebookWasDown
  • #FacebookisBack

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This is a developing story.

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