In this article

Honeymoon, the sweet result of unending love, is often the most awaited days or weeks for any couple. However, things don’t always go as planned. Some couples, including celebrities, learnt this bitter truth during their honeymoons.

1. Attila the Hun, despite his remarkable achievements, was a short, squat and rather ugly man. He was a ladies’ man, a habit he picked up from mixing with the Romans too much, and he maintained 12 wives. Or rather he tried to, because on the wedding night with his 12th wife, Ildico, he died when one of his arteries burst. From what, I wonder!

Attila in his court (Image from: biography.com)
Attila in his court (Image Credit: biography.com)

2. Eva Braun, the (in)famous mistress of Fuhrer Adolph Hitler finally married Hitler on April 29th, 1945. With Berlin about to fall in the hands of their enemy, she killed herself by drinking poison on April 30th. Lover Hitler joined her soon after as he followed the example a few minutes later. Their bodies were cremated in the Reich Chancellery Garden after burning them with petrol.

Hitler & Eva, Inseparable in Death (image from: ntlworld.com)
Hitler & Eva, Inseparable in Death (Image Credit: ntlworld.com)

3. A practical joker changed the regular medicine bottle of Cesare Borgia, son of the sixteenth-century Pope Alexander, with a bottle of laxative, on his wedding night. No need to tell you what followed next, right?

How NOT to spend wedding night. (image from:ytimg.com)
How NOT to spend wedding night. (Image Credit: ytimg.com)

Also read: 7 creepiest dating apps of all time

4. We all love cornflakes, right? Kellogg’s cereal is especially divine. But on his wedding day, John Harvey Kellogg, the inventor of the cornflake, spent the night writing a book with his wife, Eva Eaton. Guess the topic of the book? The title of it was Plain Facts for Old and Young, a 644-page treatise on the evils of sexual intercourse. Some wedding night, right?

Image Credit: toledoblade.com
Thanks for the cornflakes, but… (Image Credit: toledoblade.com)

5. 140 lbs groom Gregory McCloud tried to lift and carry his wife Helen McCloud to the room. Romantic, isn’t it? However, Helen weighed 280 lbs and Gregory broke his back in this process. Lesson? Never marry someone you can’t handle.

Too Hot (Fat?) To Handle (image from: mikeingreensboro.com)
Too Hot (Big?) To Handle (Image Credit: mikeingreensboro.com)

6. Australians have this tradition of smearing wedding cake on the bride and groom’s faces. Chas, the Aussie, didn’t realise that his new German bride Amy Weltz didn’t know this. So when he gave Amy a faceful of cake, she responded by breaking a wine bottle on his head. Chas now waits for Amy to join him in heaven.

Next time you want to marry a girl you met online, make sure you know the traditions.

You got me wrong Amy. - Chas (image from: blogspot.com)
You got me wrong Amy. – Chas (Image Credit: blogspot.com)

7. Japanese couple Sachi and Tomio Hidaki, for some reasons only known to them, didn’t sleep together after marrying. When they first tried it some 14 years later, the excitement was too much for them to handle at that age and both suffered a massive and fatal heart attack.

Everything has a time and place mates!  (image from: deviantart.net)
Everything has a time and place mates! (Image Credit: deviantart.net)

8. To top it all, the 2nd prettiest of them all, Princess Diana, didn’t have a very romantic honeymoon either. Prince Charles read passages from the works of Carl Jung and Laurens van der Post to her in their royal honeymoon suite. You could have done better Charles.

Image Credit: http://juliapgelardi.files.wordpress.com/
Image Credit: http://juliapgelardi.files.wordpress.com/

Also read: Finding Your One True Love in the Digital Age

Categories: Lifestyle, Romantic

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