In this article

One of the topics we cover here at Vulcan Post is Dating and Love, especially how technology is helping us discover our other half.

We wrote about how there might be a lot of Singles in Thailand, and the nine unique date ideas from Southeast Asia we bet you have not heard about.

Recently a finding on online dating site Are You Interested (AYI) caught our attention. Before we dwell into the findings, Are You Interested (AYI) is a Facebook dating app which works like this: Users in search of someone for a date flip through profiles of other users and, for each one, click either “yes” (I like what I see) or “skip” (show me the next profile). When the answer is “yes,” the other user is notified and has the opportunity to respond.

AYI.com has over 70 million installs, including 25 million Facebook connected singles.
data app preferences


The graph shows what percentage of people responded to a “yes,” based on the gender and ethnicity of both parties.

Here’s what’s interesting, Asian women responded to white men who “yessed” them 7.8% of the time, more often than they responded to any other race. All men except Asians preferred Asian women, while all except black women preferred white men.

Asian female seems to be the most popular among men, while white male is the most popular among females. Both black men and black women got the lowest response rates for their respective genders.

are you interested

Back in 2009, another online dating site OKCupid also released their site’s data and similarly found that race played a big role in who would respond to messages, with some similar (and a few different) findings.

Some quick facts from the OKCupid data:

  • Black women respond the most.
  • White men get more replies from almost every group.
  • White women prefer white men; Asian and Latina women prefer them “even more exclusively.”

asian fetish

Racism is a real thing. 

Read also: Are there a lot of singles in Thailand? Avalable and Noonswoon seems to think so

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

© 2021 GRVTY Media Pte. Ltd.
(UEN 201431998C.)