tv commercials
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When I was recently asked this question, ‘What is your favorite TV advertisement and describe it’, I was momentarily struck dumb.

I currently do not own a TV, and do all of my couch potato time via video streaming on the internet or watching downloaded movies and dramas. This is becoming the norm for an increasing number of the younger population, particularly university students who may not have access to a TV but definitely own a laptop. Add this to the popularity of satellite and cable TV, and the reach of the traditional TV commercial has shrunk significantly.

However, there are some TV commercials that are so epic that they stick in your mind for decades. Remember that commercial where the dad tries to get his young son to say the word flower and the son surprises him by saying ‘Orchid lah!’? Unfortunately, I don’t remember what the commercial was for (does that make it a good or bad commercial?) and have had little success tracing it on the internet, otherwise that would definitely go on this list.

Here are a few other awesome commercials from my Malaysian childhood that have stuck with me through the ages.

1. The Petronas commercial

There have been many Petronas commercials over the years, commemorating the numerous festive seasons of Malaysia. Corny with an overt emphasis on racial unity they may be, I used to look forward to watching them. Shot like a mini movie and created by the acclaimed director Yasmin Ahmad, these ads have true staying power. Everyone remembers the Petronas commercials. The following is the cutest and my personal favorite, and even won an an award at the Cannes Lions Festival.

2. The Malaysian Idol commercial

Warning. These songs might get stuck in your head. The Young Man YMCA song was playing in my head for 3 full days. Totally hilarious.

3. The KFC-Zoo Negara jingle

I don’t know what it is about this jingle but its very catchy. Oh and by the way, you can’t have KFC at Zoo Negara anymore cause it closed down.

4. The Oreo commercial

And of course, the twist… lick… dunk! This gets a vote for pure cuteness and a memorable line.

There are a few more like the Axion laundry detergent commercial with the wife accusing the husband in song that deserve to go on this list, but after an extensive trawl of the internet, I have concluded that they are simply not available.

So do you remember any awesome TV commercials?enablejsapi=1&html5=1&

Read more: Best Thai ads and what the whole world could learn from them

Categories: Lifestyle, Videos

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