Vulcan Post

ServisHero Comes To Singapore, Makes Service-Finding A Real Breeze

ServisHero first launched in Malaysia and was hailed as the “GrabTaxi for services”. What this nifty startup offers is that it connects small local businesses, for instance plumbers, cleaners, wedding planners, gym coach, to consumers with a location-aware mobile app. It’s already well established in a few cities around Malaysia, and now that it has officially reached our shores — oh how much easier our life would be.

Founded by Karl Loo, the idea of ServisHero is the result of a personal epiphany when he was searching in vain for an air conditioner repair-person. Karl hopes that he could achieve and help to transform Asia’s service industry into a cooperative and efficient space and help uplift income levels for thousands of individual professionals and small business owners around South East Asia.

The mobile app, available on iOS App Store and Google Play, allows you to browse through categories of services available to the user, select the location where you require the services, and also lists out for you your options (and their ratings, so there is always transparency) — as well as their fees so you can do your own comparing and choose which one is most ideal for you.

It’s already started to dish out an attractive promotion for a free house-cleaning session for those living in Singapore.

And if you want to get your services listed, ServisHero allows you to apply as a service provider easily on the site. When you are all registered, wait for the requests to start coming in — sounds familiar? It’s exactly what it is described as: GrabTaxi, but for services.

ServisHero coming into Singapore is definitely something to look forward to. When before, we had to rely on word of mouth or spend a lot more getting things fixed from official stores and the sorts, ServisHero cancels the headache and does the research for you — complete with quotes, location, and the choices we have. Does this mean we’ll finally see the end of the already fading Yellow Pages? We’ll have to wait and see.

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