Christmas ads are usually hit-or-miss. The great ones get watched and rewatched thousands — even millions — of times, but the bad ones suffer a fate no different from a bad Christmas present, doomed to a neglected area of YouTube where they remain forgotten for the rest of eternity.
Even within the good ones, though, there are a select few that make us reflect on our own lives and the people around us. These are the special ones that we watch again and again even well after Christmas is over and the last bauble has been taken down.
Here are some of the most heart-wrenching Christmas videos we found.
The Man On The Moon
Is there anything sadder than an old man, all alone on Christmas day? No, I think not.
Justino, The Lonely Security Guard
This one’s about an elderly security guard who works the night shift all by himself. Not a single word is spoken in this video, but be prepared to shed a few tears.
Heimkommen (Come Home)
Are you spotting a theme to this year’s Christmas videos? Because here’s yet another one with a lonely old man in it. Don’t worry, it has a happy ending.
Christmas Is For Sharing
This video’s actually an old one from 2014, but given this year’s events, it’s probably an apt time for us to take a second look at it.
Like Justino, this Christmas ad doesn’t contain a single spoken word, but it might just make you believe in true love.