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Consumers have had their financial data at risk in recent months due to retailers’ security breaches, but ever wondered how many have actually had similar risks with their intimate data becoming exposed? How does the typical girl next door become involved in a celebrity-like scandal?

McAfee, a security firm, has recently released the findings from their 2014 Love, Relationships & Technology survey. For a second year in a row, the company examined how more than 1,500 consumers are sharing and storing intimate data on their mobile devices, especially with current or former significant others.

Young business couple working on laptop
Image Credit: Birghousecomputers

The results of the findings are interesting as they shed some insights into how people are sharing intimate details via unsecured digital devices.

Highlights from the survey include: 

  • 1 in 3 US Adults film sexual content on their mobile devices
  • 73% of respondents have taken their partner’s mobile device to see other content stored on it, including messages and photos
  • 74% of men protect their mobile devices with a password or passcode in comparison to only 65% of women
  • 1 in 10 individuals have sent racy or sexual content to a total stranger
  • While 96% of U.S. adults surveyed trust their significant other with intimate content or otherwise private information they have sent, only 16% have asked their partner to delete the information when ending the relationship.
  • 46% of U.S. adults still share their passwords with another individual
  • 42% use the same password across multiple devices
  • One in three people are likely to log into their significant other’s Facebook account at least once a month
  • 26% of those surveyed admitted to stalking their significant other’s ex on social media

“With all the stories we’ve heard about intimate photos being leaked, it’s hard to believe people are still sharing their passwords,” said Gary Davis, vice president of McAfee consumer business. “Ultimately, they’re increasing the risks of these photos becoming public and possibly jeopardizing their identity and reputation. Consumers must take precautions and use mobile security to ensure that what should be private stays private.”

Sending and receiving intimate content on mobile devices will undoubtedly occur this Valentine’s Day. So if you do not want your intimate content to be leaked, you should be wary when you send your data to one another.

Here’s the full infographic of the findings:

[Infographic] McAfee Love, Relationship and Technology 2014 (Singapore)Also read: Worthy app unlocks profiles of singles for you only if you are worthy

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